Drop’n Dirty MacDeuce

Spring is in the air!  47 degrees in the Gloom of the morning.  This is tee shirt and short weather for early morning bootcamp.  Some guys came over dressed for sure.  You may be wondering why so much blue in the picture.  Today’s color was blue in honor of a F3 brother named Dear Diary …

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Rest Again

Sunny and chilly.  4 PAX posted to the Grill for another rest workout.  One of the advantages of doing workouts in both the Lehigh Valley and Hamburg is that I can recycle my weinkes on new PAX.  This workout is a modification of last Tuesday’s workout.  Ditto is nursing an Achilles injury so we adapted.  …

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Ironclad Workout 9

Warm Up  800m (½ mile) @ Easy pace or 150 Side Straddle Hops – Conversational pace and can breath out of your nose only. 10 LBAC, 10 Huggy Bears, 10 Abe Vagodas, 10 Grass Pickers, 30 second Plank, 10 Merkins, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Monkey Humpers, 10 Ankle Rolls per side Partner Beat Down Note:  …

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Start the Week Out on Both Legs

Warm a Roma Side straddle hops, Mt Climbers, Monkey humpers Stretches for the hammies Mosey upper loop, first to top (Slowbear) calls an ab workout – 15 Reg Merkins, 15 Wide, 15 Diamond Mosey to hill Partner up 150 American hammer while partner bear crawls the hill Mosey to pavilion 5 dips, 5 incline merkin, …

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29 Reps for the Win

F3 Blast Furnace – Reeves Park – Phoenixville, PA Conditions : 25 degrees with a slight wind, making it feel around 18 degrees.  Clear otherwise. Disclaimer was given – everything done at your own risk, we will be going “off campus” today. YHC (Spike) wrote up this back-blast, so forgive me if I missed something. …

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Brisk Saturday

Warm up SS hops,  Abe Vagotas, grass pickers, Murkins.  1/4 mile walk. The Thang ” Ran up to  and around Catty high school and returned to the shovel flag completing 5 miles. Finished with Countoramma,  NameOrama and circle of trust

Short distance

Warm up SS hops,  Abe Vagotas, walked 50 yards The Thang. Ran for 2.3 miles Finished with Countoramma,  NameOrama and circle of trust


Conditions:  It was a dark start, turning into light on the descent of the climb, clear, and cold with a temperature of 28 degrees. Thang:  This morning the PAX that posted was graced by the presence of a ruck FNG, formerly named Doughboy, now Stripes. Stripes was provided a briefing on what a ruck is, …

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When It Hits The Fan!

I found the best way to avoid being late for the 0630 bootcamp workout is to show-up 2 minutes late for the 0530 Ruck (hike).  There are no penalty burpees handed out for being late to Ruck.   Five guys (one return renamed PAX – Stripes) went on slow climb up 10th street hill, some with …

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9 PAX posted to the Grill for the advertised “restful” workout. Most were uncharacteristically brightly clad.  This was to show solidarity with other PAX across the nation in support of #F3ForFaye. The theme of our workout was “Rest”.  YHC has reflected on this while recovering from a stress fracture.  It is now great to have …

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F3 Lehigh Valley