Rainy Day 0.0

So, of course the weather was awful for the first day of spring. Disclaimer accepted and workout commenced with . . . “Stay in Your Lane.” Warm-up:  Out of respect for directives from F3 leadership, PAX maintained appropriate social distancing by staying in their lanes.  Anyone who has ever worked out at the Trojan knows …

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Encouragement from the Sky Q

Today was a particularly difficult day to beat the fartsack.  YHC struggled repeatedly to get out the door and half hoping I was the only PAX to post so I could go home and jump back in bed.  It was a cool 34 degrees with the most amazing view of a crescent moon painted for …

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Hawkeye’s Feeling Lucky !

When  you have walked 73 years of life and decide to get up early to workout with guys half your age there isn’t a rain storm or much of anything that will keep you from LIVING TODAY.  In celebration of Hawkeye’s 50th workout with the PAX we honored him with his name carved into the …

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Fear Not

This beautiful morning began with 9 PAX gathering. (2 late=20 Penalty burpees) Warmarama Mosey/run 5 laps around the parking lot. In cadence: side straddle hops x20, plank jacks x20, imperial walkers x20, mountain climbers x20, monkey humpers x20, merkins x20, Abe Pagoda’s x20. Beat down PAX took part in vocalizing this verse: “Have I not …

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The F3 Ranch Dealers Choice Corona Virus Beat Down !!

Warm up SS hops, Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers , Trunk Rolls, Crab Cakes, Murkins, LBCs, Neck Rolls, The “Thang “ Dealers Choice of going down the side of the parking lot 25 yards to the shovel flag ( doing an exercise) then continued to the other end of the parking lot totaling about 50 yards …

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Ruck – Beehive

Conditions: It was a mildly cold, partly cloudy, dry, and dark start to the ruck this morning. “Thang:” Only I, Dynamite, posted for the ruck this morning. The ruck started in the Shimerville Rd parking lot and trekked east on PA Ave, south on 12th St, east on Arch St, south/southwest on the gravel trail for 1/3 …

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Ironclad Workout 10

Warm Up  800m (½ mile) @ Easy pace or 150 Side Straddle Hops – Conversational pace and can breath out of your nose only. 10 LBAC, 10 Huggy Bears, 10 Abe Vagodas, 10 Grass Pickers, 30 second Plank, 10 Merkins, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Monkey Humpers, 10 Ankle Rolls per side Muscular Leg & Grip …

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Partner Beatdown

YHC is tardy posting this back blast.  It seems like an eternity ago…one week, what a difference.  What a week!  Ironically this workout was all about partner exercises.  One week later we are no longer even going to fist bump! Warm-a-rama: SSH, Arm Circles, Huggy Bears, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Greatest Stretch Ever, Plank Jacks, …

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Taking it Easy

Warm up SS hops,  Abe Vagotas,  Grass pickers, Murkins,  Trunk Rolls , Monkey Humpers. Did the length of the parking lot. Started with a jog to the first pole, sprint to the second and a jog to the end.  Rinsed and Repeated. The Thang. Ran to route 100 stretched, then returned to the shovel flag. …

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Help a Brothah Out

Nice morning for some F3.  Little did I know how much it’s nice to be able to lean on your brothers when you’re having an off morning.  It’s been a while since I learned how to count from Sesame Street – Think I need a refresher.  Thankfully the guys were able to take some of …

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F3 Lehigh Valley