Modified Mosey Saturday morning

Warm up SS hops, Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, Plank Jacks, Imperial Walkers in Cadence,  Trunk Rolls , Arm Circles OYO The Thang “ Walked to the basketball court on the other side of the pool for some 100 count 4 corner exercises. Each corner of the basketball court was an exercise ( had to do …

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Immeasurably More

Conditions: It was lightening start to the beatdown at 0631 with a light drizzle, which later stopped (see my BB on this mornings ruck), with a temperature of 44 degrees. Three PAX posted for the beatdown this morning, in person. Disclaimer was stated and all agreed to the terms with an AYE! Warm-a-Rama: All exercises were …

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Ruck – Beehive

Conditions: It was dark with heavy cloud cover with a light drizzle and a temperature of 46 degrees. “Thang:” “Thang:” Only me, Dynamite, posted to the ruck this morning. I got started just a few minutes after 0530 this morning. The ruck started at the Shimerville Rd parking lot and continued east onto PA Ave. I …

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Trojan Ruck

Conditions: It was a dark, clear and cold start to the morning with a temperature of 34 degrees. “Thang:” The ruck started in the lower parking lot of the pavilion and trekked to Shantz road, briefly, then onto Windermier followed by a quick right onto Wyndam Dr. Wyndam Dr and Windermier met, but Wyndam continued. …

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Dr. Seuss’ Basement

Disclaimer verbally accepted. Warm-up: OYO reps of ten: night clubs, grass pickers, side lunge, Vigodas, toy soldiers.  OYO – reps of 20: imperial walkers, goof balls, mountain climbers, Merkins. The Thang: 2 sets of 15 reps with coupons.  30 seconds of rest between sets.  OYO exercises included: Bulgarian split squat, hip hinge, thrusters, curls, back …

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Senior Olympics at the Trojan

Four posted at the Trojan on this beautiful clear morning amid the viral tension of Corona.Three were well past 60,and Dynamite half our age.We all tried to teach him to modify property but he just couldn’t get it.He continually ran too fast and did too many perfect reps.It may take him decades to catch on.Seriously …

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Half and Half

HALF and HALF The Pax showed up for another virtual workout at the Grease Monkey ready for some leg work. Warm-A_Rama 100 SSH 10 LBAC 10 BBAC 10 Huggy Bears 10 Abe Vagodas 10 Grass Pickers 30 Second Plank 10 Merkins 10 Peter Parkers 10 Monkey Humpers 10 Ankle Rolls per side Tha Thang 50/50 …

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Midweek Beatdown

Warmarama – Side straddle hops & mountain climbers Mosey long path to band shell Dips, incline merkins, decline merkins & step ups – 5 each, then run through benches. Repeat increasing by 5 each time and run benches between each set. Max out at 25 each. Wall sits with low punches, mid and air presses, …

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Slow Burn

Waking up for 0515 run is never easy; however, always well worth it.   It never fails there is at least one other H.I.M. waiting for me.  Thank you! DISCLAIMER – given WARMARAMA – arm circles, touch toes, right of left, left over right, 15 yard – toy soliders, calf raises, high knee, karoke, butt kickers, …

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10-4 Good Buddy

Grease Monkey Virtual Beatdown Logged in to the app to find a few familiar faces and gave the disclaimer. Warm-A_Rama 100 SSH 10 LBAC 10 BBAC 10 Huggy Bears 10 Abe Vagodas 10 Grass Pickers 30 Second Plank 10 Merkins 10 Peter Parkers 10 Monkey Humpers 10 Ankle Rolls per side Tha Thang Ten rounds …

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F3 Lehigh Valley