Ten Trojans for Blimps and Burpees

Disclaimer given,warm-up:. Reach for the Stars,arm circles,small and large, neck rolls, trunk rolls,lunges, merkins, plank jacks, shoulder taps,side straddle hops, Abe Vigodas,grass pickers monkey jumpers, motivators. The Thang:Mosey around small loop, socially separate into 4 groups into the corners of the parking lot.We then did 3 rounds of Blimps.B for burpees,l for lunges,I for imperial …

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Rounders Disclaimer given along with an admission of the origin of this workout. Thank you to Mountie of @F3Princeton for the idea. Warm-A-Rama 10 repetitions each: LBAC Huggy Bears Abe Vagodas Grass Pickers Plank 30 Seconds Merkins Peter Parkers Monkey Humpers Ankle Rolls The THANG EMOM – Every Minute On the Minute for 20 rounds …

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Indian Run

The calm after the storm!  A beautiful 55 degree Gloom, I was met by 6 Indians who came to run today.  YHC claimed this was the largest group of runners for this AO. Disclaimer – given and accepted. Warmarama  – a series of light stretches including arm circles, neck pulls, one leg quad stretch, lunge …

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Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body

Conditions: It was a dark and damp start to the beatdown. God held off His tears for us PAX to sweat tears. It was a respectable 54 degrees to begin at 0530 prompt. The disclaimer was stated and all PAX agreed to the terms of the disclaimer with an AYE. Warm-a-Rama: All exercises in the dynamic warm-up …

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Burp-o-matic Beatdown

God provided a beautiful morning low 40’s and a beatdown for four. We welcomed Lundberg all the way from F3 Alpha near Atlanta!  While we all desire to workout together in person, this is by far one of the coolest things about Grease Monkey. Warmarama  Trunk rolls, neck rolls, SSH, Abe Vagodas, Grass Pickers Shoulder …

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Pillar of Cloud

Conditions: It was a dry, cloudy start at 0435 for the ruck at The Swamp. It was cool with a temperature of 41 degrees. “Thang:” I, Dynamite, rucked solo with a 25# ruck sack. I started in the parking lot of The Swamp and then headed south to Main St. followed by a east onto Main …

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Moonlit Mania

Warmup 20 Side straddle hops, 20 squats, 20 mountain climbers, 20 merkins.  Everything is better in 3’s soooo… repeat.   Beatdown mosey to hill – each pax member called out a static exercise to be performed at base of hill and top of hill, then a travel to go up and down. 1- Slowbear  – …

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Nolan Richardson aka Snot Waggler

Absolutely beautiful morning (44 degrees) to be outside getting better!  Excited to give it away.  Two FNG’s this morning got to experience F3 in it’s full misery.  YHC found this horrible exercise routine hiding in the Exicon called “Nolan Richardson”.  Until last night I had no idea who this man was (is)???  It doesn’t matter …

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Virtual Merkin Mania

From garages, basements, living rooms, and back yards, 7 PAX posted from far and wide across the Lehigh Valley and beyond for a virtual beat down. Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Side Lunge, Best Stretch Ever, Mountain Climbers, Seal Jacks The Thang: Merkin Mania — just how many styles of merkins …

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F3 Positive Push

Warm up SS hops, Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, Neck Rolls, Trunk Rolls, Murkins, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Shoulder Taps and LBCS The Thang “ Went to the basketball court .. Bear Crawled around the Basketball court to start. Crabwalked across the court and Crab Walked back. , Inch Wormed across the court and then Crawl …

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F3 Lehigh Valley