Spartan Race Ready Workout 4

Hill RepeatsIn order to get prepared for a Mountain Race such as Palmerton (Blue Mountain), you need to get your body accustomed to hiking or running at a high incline. Warm Up1 mile @ 5 RPE (Relative perceived exertion- 1 being very low and 10 being very high) Repeat 2 Times (Use a hill that …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 3

8 Rounds: 30 seconds max pull-ups 30 seconds rest 30 seconds max burpees 1 minute rest Instructions: Start a running clock. Perform as many pull-ups as you can in the first 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds. Then perform as many burpees as you can in 30 seconds. Rest for 1 minute. That is one …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 2

1 Round: 2 minute dead hang (or max) 1 minute rest 90 second dead hang (or max) 1 minute rest 1 minute dead hang (or max) 1 minute rest 30 second dead hang (or max) Instructions: Start a running clock. Jump up to a pull-up bar, and complete a 2 minute dead hang, or a …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 1

3 Rounds: 5 minute bucket carry (60 lbs.) 20 air squats Instructions:   Buy a bucket at ACE, Home Depot, Lowes, etc. (they’re like $7). Fill the bucket with the necessary dumbbells/weight to achieve weight (men = 60#). You can put a lid on if you like and experiment with different ways to carry the …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 0

1 Round: Max Pull-up > hand switch > Chin-up Then 5 Rounds: 1/2 Max Pull-up > hand switch > Chin-up 1-2 minute rest between sets Instructions:   Start in a dead hang on a pull-up bar. Do 1 pull-up. Then switch each hand, one at a time, so that now you’re in a chin-up grip …

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Fun Run

The Pax ran out for 45 minutes, stopping at each intersection to do an in-place workout for the six.

Wet Easter Monday

It was a shared Q SlowBear did the warmup. 25 sidestraddle hops, mountain climbers, squats, merkins   Demo led a travel-ganza – dealers choice To and Fro under the pavilion To: Bear Crawl – Fro: run To: Inch Worm – Fro: high knees To: Dragon Walk – Fro: butt kickers To: Bear Crawl – Fro: …

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Little Stink B.O.M.B.S

Conditions: Dawn was upon the PAX as the workout began. It was clear, mildly windy, and brisk with a temperature of 38 degrees. Disclaimer was stated and all PAX that posted agreed to the disclaimer with an AYE! Warm-a-Rama: All exercises were performed for 16 reps in cadence. (16 was selected because that was double the number …

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12 minutes of H-E-double hockey sticks

Disclaimer verbalized and accepted. Warm-up: OYO- ten count of trunk rolls, leg swings, Moroccan night clubs, grass pickers, Abe Vigodas, pause side lunges, toy soldiers, and WGS. Aerobic Exercises: 3 rounds of 20 reps of each exercise. OYO – SSH, mountain climbers, goof balls, Freddie Mercury, high knees, and Zebra kicks. Strength Exercises:  2 rounds …

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Posted with the F3 Wilmington, DE crew for a mindful workout led by Jules. It was nice.

F3 Lehigh Valley