When you Fartsack!

I try to hold myself to certain standards. This is learned behavior form my time in the United States Navy. This is how I am and who I am. So for me to fartsack is a very rare occurrence, especially when the workout is dependent upon my posting. You see I had the key to …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 13

4 Tabatas: (1 minute rest between) Tabata #1 ON = Max distance bucket carry (70 lbs) Tabata #2 ON = Max distance bear crawl Tabata #3 ON = Max distance bucket carry (70 lbs) Tabata #4 ON = Max distance bear crawl *OFF = Rest for all 4 Tabatas Instructions:  What is a “Tabata”? A …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 12

1 Mile Farmer’s Walk w/Dumbells, Kettlebells, or Weight Plates Description:  Farmer’s carry x 1 mile (outside is preferred).  Start the timer once you begin walking with the weights in each hand.  Stop timer when you drop them. Write down your total time at the end. You can come back to this workout later to see if …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 11

Accumulate 20 minutes total between a farmer’s carry a dead hang Clock only runs when you’re holding the dumbbells/kettlebells, or hanging from a pull-up bar. Every 4th minute, stop and do 10 hand release push-ups. Instructions: The goal of this workout is to accumulate 20 minutes in these two positions, basically as quickly as possible. …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 10

Burpee/Pull Up Ladder Start timer for 1 min 1 Pull-Up 1 Burpee Rest remainder of min. Start timer for 1 min 2 Pull-Ups 2 Burpees Rest remainder of min. Start timer for 1 min 3 Pull-Ups 3 Burpees Rest remainder of min. -keep going- Explanation: Set a timer for 1 min. Start the timer and …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 9

3 Minute Dead Hang From Hell Dead Hang (Max time total 3 min) 6 Burpees (Each Drop) Explanation: Start a timer in dead hang and stop it when you drop; each time you drop perform 6 burpees; then jump back up and continue; you need to hit 3 min total time to be done Modification: …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 8

Hill Repeats In order to get prepared for a Mountain Race such as Palmerton (Blue Mountain), you need to get your body accustomed to hiking or running at a high incline. Warm Up 1 mile @ 5 RPE (Relative perceived exertion- 1 being very low and 10 being very high) Repeat 3 times (Use a …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 7

20-15-10-5 bucket carry step ups (per side) box jumps Instructions: Rep scheme will go 40 bucket carry step ups (20 per side), 20 box jumps, 30 bucket carry step ups (15 per side), 15 box jumps… down through 5. For the bucket carry step ups, step up to the top of a box while holding …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 6

Hill Repeats In order to get prepared for a Mountain Race such as Palmerton (Blue Mountain), you need to get your body accustomed to hiking or running at a high incline. Warm Up 1 mile @ 5 RPE (Relative perceived exertion- 1 being very low and 10 being very high) Repeat 3 times (Use a …

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Spartan Race Ready Workout 5

Farmers Carry (HEAVY)  Map out 15 feet Max distance in the allotted time: 30 seconds carry 30 seconds plank 1 minute rest 45 seconds carry 45 seconds plank 90 seconds rest 1 minute carry 1 minute plank 2 minute rest 45 seconds carry 45 seconds plank 90 seconds rest 30 seconds carry 30 seconds plank …

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F3 Lehigh Valley