COVID and Coffeeteria

Warm up Jog in place, boxing trot, skip in place swan dive Abe Vigodas Peter Parkers Mountain climbers Mosey full lap around ring to bandshell The Thang Squat pulse Decline burpees Mosey to pavillion Pull ups single leg step ups pull ups single leg step ups (other leg) pull ups Mosey- one lap around ring …

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The Grill Visits Wichita

It is good the Grill is portable.  Our AO has been officially closed for over a month but the PAX are alive and well.  At last week’s virtual coffeeteria, the guys decided it was time to get back in the gloom together.  Wichita graciously offered his front yard to meet.  He even sweetened the deal …

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“Rolling Stones”

Conditions: It was a beautiful bright, partly cloudy start to the beatdown with some mild dampness from the morning dew with a temperature of 46 degrees. The beatdown started promptly at 0630 with three of us, one PAX member posted just one minute late and added interest to the free of charge of workout :). The …

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Roll of Pain

It was a dark and rainy morning at the Pond. My Co Q Abscess had some exercises ready to get our blood flowing and heart rates up! The workout started promptly at 5:30am with two late arrivals. The disclaimer was read and all PAX responded with an AYE!!! Warm O Rama: We moseyed to the …

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It is so nice to start the workout in the early morning sunlight, 42 degrees, and no wind.  Makes for a beautiful morning of misery.  YHC and WhoDat whipped up some activities to get the blood pumping. Warmarama – Abe Vagoda, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, SSH, Merkins, Lunges, Plank Jacks, Side Lunges, Pelvis Pavers, Back …

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DOAH Inspired Birthday Bash

As tradition goes in my house when someone has a birthday there is always an ice cream cake. Because I had a birthday yesterday and I ate said cake and a payment must be made. The payment is a repeat of the DOAH led birthday celebration he gave himself on Monday. Here it is in …

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TSB (Tabata Suicide Beatdown)

Conditions: It was dark, cloudy, dry, and cool start to the beatdown with a temperature of 38 degrees. As the beatdown progressed the birth of new day was upon us and we could see the lines we were doing suicides on. The beatdown was started promptly at 0530, without late arrivals, and disclaimer was quickly …

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Reverse Order

Disclaimer accepted Warm-up: 5 reps each:  Back – trunk rolls, grass pickers, downward dog-inch worm-cobra.  Hips – leg swings, leg lifts, WGS.  Quads / Hams – Vigodas, toy soldiers, quad stretch. Strength training with coupons:  15 reps, 2 sets:  Chest/Back – back flys, chest flys, back rows, good mornings.  Arms – curls, triceps press, skull …

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Wacky Windy Wednesday

Unplanned BD, Q chosen through rock-paper-scissor Disclaimer given Warm-up: 16 Monkey Humpers 33 SSHs 12 Mt Climbers 22 Bobby Hurleys 1 Mosey around building The Thang: Each PAX called a travel and static exercise as follows Travels: Bear Crawl/Sprint combo, Butt Kickers, Karaoke, Crawl Bear/Sprint, Crab Walk, Reverse Sprint, Toy Soldiers Static: 25 Merkins, 25 …

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Intervals Provide Social Distance

The real feel was 28 degrees, probably a little too cold for shorts, but YHC through caution into the face of 11 mph wind. Disclaimer – given and accepted Warmarma – 10 minute slow mosey around the lower loop. The Thang – 5 minutes fast pace followed by 90 second recovery, repeat 4 times. After …

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F3 Lehigh Valley