The 3 usual ranch hands posted for a fun chilly, windy beatdown. Disclaimer given, Warm up as usual. We did a tour around the corners of the parking lot, high knees, bear crawl, butt kickers, crab walk. Exercising at each corner. Next we moseyed from corner to corner around the perimeter of the park. We …

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Core Crusher

Today was VQ for Xbox and Humvee. We were a little nervous for only being at our 9th F3 beatdown. But with the encouragement of our brothers, we had faith that everything was going to be alright. Side note, as we pull up to the beatdown Xbox started to complain of stomach pain. This frightened …

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Guinness with Philly

Philly Philly   Three Lehigh Valley Pax post to the beatdown in Philly Virtually. Legkick led an very interesting Guinness Book of World Records workout that included penis jokes and smedium shirts. So grateful we can attend a workout with brothers we have not seen in awhile or ever met. So blessed by the technology.

Figment’s Debut

This workout was going to be called 7 of Diamonds – Siete de Mayo, but when I awoke, my 2.0 wanted to join us for his first F3 workout.  We called him Figment (from Disney’s EPCOT) because he has a brilliant imagination.  He is only 7, but he held his own.   Disclaimer – Given …

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Walk This Way

Rhyming Disclaimer. Warm-up: count of 10, or 10 reps: Downward dog – inchworm – cobra, WGS, grass pickers, imperial walkers, toy soldiers. Reps of 20: SSH, mountain climbers, goof balls, Freddie Mercury, high knees, Zebra kicks. Mosey with side shuffle, butt kickers, karaoke, and skipping. The Thang: Every man with two 15 lb. dumbbells: Partner …

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Field Day

Warm-a-rama The Thang: Merkin Mania, 1/2 mile run to the field, three sets of Bill Murray’s, dealer’s choice MoM ending at the “field of screams” for a few circuits around the diamond: bear crawls, lunges, crab walks, high knees home Count-a-rama COT Demo Out

Hills Are Alive

It was a perfect morning for some Hills! Disclaimer – given and accepted. Warmarama – arm circles, neck rotations, touch toes, right over left, flap jack, sumo squat, greatest stretch in the world, grass pickers, trunk twists, imperial walkers The Thang Mosey to the base of hill on Willow Lane. Sprint to top of hill, …

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Tabata and Elevens

3 PAX posted to the Zoom in the relative comfort of their climate controlled basements.  It wasn’t long before the temperature heated up… Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Huggy Bear, Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Best Stretch Ever, Calf Stretch, Peter Parker, Seal Jack The Thang: Tabata: 2 sets each Mountain Climbers, High Knees, Shoulder Taps, …

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4 square

4 pax –  for a block coupon workout Disclaimer and modify as needed wor – huggie bear, arm circle, ssh, goof balls, best stretch ever, mountain climber, peter parker The thang – Bear crawl approx. 12 ft and crawl bear back – 5xs then 20 Carolina dry docks; crab walk forward and backward 12 ft …

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Conditions: It was a clear, mild/moderately windy, cool start to the beatdown with a temperature of 44 degrees. We were all graced by the dawn of the new day as the sun rose over the east, bringing light where there was darkness. The beatdown started promptly at 0530 and the disclaimer was stated and all posted …

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F3 Lehigh Valley