Feeling Crabby

Disclaimers were read and all agreed by saying AYE.  Warmup included Side-Straddle Hops, Mountain climber, and Peter Parkers.  We ran around the park to the crab soccer field.  We played 20 minutes of crab soccer.  After every goal the winner picked a number from 1-6.  1) V Sits 2) Diamonds 3) Supermans 4) Surrenders 5) …

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Conditions: It was a mostly sunny start with a pink hue of a new dawn with a temperature of 48 degrees to start the beatdown and increasing to 51 degrees by the end of the beatdown. We had no FNG’s, but we did have penalty burpees. 40 total for the end of the beatdown. Disclaimer was …

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Slow Burn Merkins

YHC is starting to master conducting a Zoom meeting from my phone rather than my laptop — gives a lot more flexibility with running 3 PAX posted for another Beaker beatdown. Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Imperial Walkers, Side Lunges, Toy Soldiers, Best Stretch Ever, Calf Stretch, Back Stretch, Plank Jacks The Thang: Slow and …

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Sleepy Bear where are you?

It was a sunny and bright morning at Iron Maiden. WOrkout started promptly at 5:30am, Disclaimer was read with all PAX agreeing with an AYE. Warm O Rama: We got the blood flowing under the pavilion with some Side straddle hops, side lunges, Mtn Climbers, Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Goof Balls and some twinkle toes. The …

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Bartram Trail Run

Another beautiful Spring morning…great day for a run. YHC decided to keep it simple and keep the workout primarily to a straightforward run and promised as much to the General who agreed to join us.  It was good to have him back, as well as Ditto who I haven’t seen since February. Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, …

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BIN – Brothers in Unity

Conditions: It was a clear, sunny, start to the beatdown with a temperature of 65 degrees. It was chippendale weather and YHC went chippendale! Today we welcomed back to the gloom a true HIM, who does so much for this group behind the scenes and demonstrates I2 that I humbly admire, FLAME! Welcome back, brother! I …

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Pre-CSAUP Ruck

Conditions: A new dawn with new mercies was upon Dr. Seuss and I at the Bee Hive this morning at 0530. It was a mostly sunny start, without wind with a temperature of 64 degrees. “Thang:” Dr. Seuss and I began the ruck in the Shimerville Rd parking lot and trekked east onto PA Ave, south on …

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Yellow Mello Saturday morning

Warm up. SS Hops,  Abe Vagotas, Grass Pickers, Trunk Rolls, Arm Circles, Murkins, LBCS,  in Cadence   The Thang Ran to the upper park#2 about 1 mile away. Started with 10 Burpees OYO , Dips, CDDs, LBCs and Balls to the Wall for a 15 count each.  We then reversed , starting with LBCs, CDDs, …

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Conditions: Cloudy chilly morning. Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Warm-a-Rama: Jumping jacks, plank walk out, monkey hompers, merkins, squat jumps, grass pickers, run along the basketball court. “Thang:” PAX was divided into 2 groups of 3 and 1 man to officiate the tug-of-war round. After every round of tug-of-war, Pax would exercise and then the officiate would …

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Ruckin’ It

Conditions: It was a clear, sunny, warm ruck workout in Trexler Park with temperature of 69 degrees. It was chippendale weather and as such I went chippendale. Warm-a-Rama: 1.3 mile ruck at 3.5 mph with 25# ruck sack “Thang:” Three round circuit of three exercises with 25# ruck sack with a 0.5 mile ruck between each exercise. …

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F3 Lehigh Valley