Portable Grill

5 PAX posted to the Grill’s alternate AO at the Bartram Trail on a glorious late Spring morning.  There was a clean, fresh vibe with a refreshing breeze after the storms cleared out from the previous night. Warm-a rama: Arm circles, Trunk rolls, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Best Stretch Ever, Mountain …

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Brothers return to the Gloom

Short and sweet BB,as I had trouble uploading.Beautiful morning.Highlight for me,Mani returning to the Gloom, also seeing Mr.Brady who came out last week.Also enjoyed Streisand’s addition to the beatdown via zoom,so great he connects with his son, Mani this way.So disclaimer given, warm up to desired effect.The thang was a run around the entire Catty …

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American Hero Workout

Today’s workout was developed to honor a special F3 Brother (Black Hawk) who has served God, Country, and Lehigh Valley Community for the last 8 years.  Immediately following this workout; with car packed he is starting a new journey with his family in Wisconsin.  Thank you Scotty Coyle! What inspires a man to wake up …

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Conditions: Dawn was upon all the posted PAX this morning. It was a cotton candied colored sky, moderate clouds, no wind, and a temperature of 65 degrees. Four PAX posted with two FNG’s for Blackhawk’s farewell ruck. “Thang:” The ruck started promptly at 0530 with the PAX and FNG’s departing from the Bee Hive parking lot …

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Ruck the Rocks!

Blue Rocks to The Pinnacle and Pulpit Rock Ruck What was originally a plan to just get out and do a simple hike with a few guys turned into a full-fledged CSAUP.  12 PAX posted for the initial beatdown and were joined by another 8+ PAX along with 2.0s, M’s and other family members for …

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The Gross

12 exercises x 12 reps Lunges Burpees Lbc Overhead press(coupon) Marionetts Boryshnikov squats Curls (coupon) Mt. Climbers Back lunge Split Jacks Zombie Crunch Elf on a Shelf 15 Merkins 15 Incline Merkins 15 Decline Merkins 20 Tennessee rocking chair 20 Smurf Jacks

Burpee Interuption

Warm-ups: 15 Grady Corns,15 Arm Circles,15Trunk Rolls 20 Hammers 20 leg raises 20 heel touches 20 crunchy frogs 50 100’s Rinse and repeat another set 4min mosey With coupon: 10 curls 10 Rows each arm 10 Dead lifts 10 overhead press 10 squats 10 lunges As many as possible in 10 min. Interrupt at any …

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Kick Start at the Trojan

Warm up Mosey to the top of the parking lot ss hops for the 6 Started with some SS hops,  Abe Vagotas,  grass pickers,  murkins, plank jacks,  mountain climbers  and finished with Motivators Starting with 10. The Thang. Lined up on the field and did a 100 yard sprint then sprinted back. Lined up single …

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Tabata Tuesday

Warmarama 40 seconds work, 20 sec plank round 1 20lb curls 25lb push press Squats with band Press out with brick 15lb Shoulder flies Alternating lunges Jump rope Merkins with 10lb row Battle rope 20lb kettle ball swing Plank reach through J Low 1 loop mosey 2nd round… same exercises but 30 second work, with …

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AMRAP Virtually

3 PAX met from our porch, deck, and back yard on a beautiful Spring morning for a virtual workout. Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Toy Soldiers, Peter Parkers, Best Stretch Ever The Thang: AMRAP in 1 minute: Makhtar N’Diayes Military Up/Down (similar to Makhtar N’Diayes but from standing position to knees …

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F3 Lehigh Valley