Back in the Saddle at The Ranch

Unexpectedly we were met with cement barricades  at every entrance.  This was puzzling considering we all thought that the Lehigh Valley went to yellow yesterday.  This wasn’t going to stop us so we parked on the street and entered the Ranch as usual and planted the shovel flag.  No Grease Monkey PAX, but it’s sounds …

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Free to lead

Three brothers gathered at the Trojan,fog lay across the field and it was already humid.The warmup included neck rolls,side straddles,merkins, lunges,plank jacks, Abe Vigodas and monkey humpers. I shared the Q with Dynamite.We ran around the outer loop of the Trojan.As the rabbit, Dynamite chose an exercise at each corner and a couple of midpoints.At …

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MOMble Chatter

This morning was warm and steamy for a two man four corners workout via Zoom.  I ventured down to the park and Beaker was working out from his farm home.  We did a four corner workout.  I have to say these Zoom work outs in different locations, while not the same it still feels like …

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The Impossible

We met at the pond, read the disclaimers, and started with Side Straddle hops, then mountain climbers, Abe Pagoda’s, Merkins. Parking lot workout Travel out+ Exercise +Travel back + Exercise. (rinse and repeat 7 times) High knees + WWI + High Knees + WWI Karaoke + ? + Karaoke + ? Dragon walk + LBCs …

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Out came the “LOG OF FAME” Disclaimer was given…. all said Aye Warmup: sun gods, arm circles, neck roll,  stretch toe touch,  trunk roll,  ssh, 5 merks, 5 plank Jack’s, 5 merks, 5 plank Jack’s, 5 merks, 5 plank jacks….. mosey around the circle……LOG WAS CARRIED The Thang…. 12 to 1 merkins on either side …

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Gazelles and Clydesdales

Conditions: It was a dry, gorgeous, mostly sunny start to the day with a temperature of 60 degrees where 5 PAX posted for the Gazelles and Clydesdales Speed Workout. I, Dynamite, prepared two separate workouts for the faster and slower PAX respectively. I entrusted Long Haul to lead the Clydesdales and handed him the sheet with …

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Soft Launch Ruck

Conditions: It was a gorgeous, cool sunny start of a new day and a new AO with a temperature of 48 degrees, where 4 PAX posted for the “soft launch” of G3tth3Ruck0ut at the American Parkway. All PAX posted at Lil Le Hi parking lot and the shovel flag was planted. Disclaimer was given and the …

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Just a Run

A beautiful morning with a perfect temperature for running! We warmed up with some classic stretches and were off for the turnaround on Spring Creek Rd. Lots of good conversation, the leaders circled around as necessary for the six(es), and we all finished strong; especially Drop Box who really picked up the pace when he …

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More Makhtar N’Diayes!

Both a benefit and detriment of a virtual workout is that one can roll out of bed and be at the workout in 2 minutes flat!  Fortunately for me, Mani felt compelled to join the workout even though he overslept. Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Seal Jacks, Best Stretch Ever, Calf Stretch, Plank …

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F3 Lehigh Valley