“What is Love, Baby Don’t Hurt Me, No More…”

Conditions: It was a mostly cloudy, but lightened start to the beatdown with no wind and a light drizzle at times with a temperature of 65 degrees. 8 HIM’s and 2.0 courageously abandoned the fart sack and attended the coupon beatdown this morning. This also included Beaker, who drove >30 minutes away to attend his first …

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Ruck’n in the Pahk-way

The Q: Dynamite Workout Date: 2020-06-08 Number of FNGs: 1 Conditions: It was a beautiful sunny, cloudless, cool start to the inaugural ruck with a temperature of 51 degrees. Eight men and 2.0’s attended the ruck with one FNG, proud papa being X-man. The disclaimer was stated and all posted members agreed to the disclaimer with an …

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Return of the Cherkin

Conditions : 63F and light rain DISCLAIMER :  was given, along with a reminder of the F3 Mission and the F3 Core Values 5 Men showed up at 530AM on a rainy morning.  Why? To better themselves, to accelerate their fitness, for the fellowship and to strengthen their faith.  Everyone has their own motivation as to …

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No Man Left Behind

Today we saw the bamboo forest at Willow Lane!  Over the last 2 years a few guys have been attending the run workouts faithfully and now all of the sudden there were 10 Pax who arrived early to get stronger for a Ruck / Run workout. Bamboo is known for it’s strength, maybe even the …

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Petering Out

As I work from home now it has been very good to be able to connect with F3 men via Zoom workouts.  I’ve especially enjoyed getting to know the Peters clan as Mani and Streisand (Mani’s dad) and occasionally Mani’s 2.0’s, Figment and Snuggles have been consistent participants on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  Last week …

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Grill Super 21

4 PAX met at the Bartram Trail for a Super 21 beatdown.  It was another glorious morning; clear blue sky with temps in the upper 50s. Apollo, Pocahontas, and I started off warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, SSH, Grass Pickers, Toy Soldiers, Best Stretch Ever, Peter Parkers Pork Chop pulled in toward the end of …

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Back in Business with a Tug of War Beatdown!

11 HIM eagerly gathered on a gorgeous 57 degree morning for the return of the Saturday edition of #BlastFurnace! I was particularly pumped about the morning as my buddy from church (an avid crossfitter and hopefully also future F3 Indian Valley PAX) posted for his first workout with us! Warmup: SSH x 15 IC Copperhead …

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Good timing.

Warm up SS hops, Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, Streching OYO, Trunk Rolls OYO 10 one way , 10 the other way, Murkins, Mountain Climbers, imperial walkers, Mosey. The Thang Moseyed to the first corner outside the park for 10 Burpees, Moseyed 100 yards to the 2nd corner for another 10 Burpees, Moseyed 200 yards to …

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Long Cool Ruck…man

Conditions: It was a sunny start to the morning with few clouds and a temperature of 58 degrees. Only I, Dynamite, posted for the ruck this morning. In light of this, I decided to depart a few minutes early to ruck a longer distance. “Thang:” I departed from the Shimerville Rd parking lot at 0527 and walked …

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52 Pick

I took the F3 workout deck of cards and shuffled them, turned them face down then drew cards for the exercise. # cards 2-10 got 10 reps. Face cards got 25 reps and aces got 100 reps. We got through 21 cards during the beatdown.

F3 Lehigh Valley