Ruckin’ Before the Storm

Conditions: It was a mostly cloudy start to the ruck with some sun peeking through to provide a pink hue to the sky with a temperature in the 61 degrees. YHC posted for the ruck with a 25# ruck sack. “Thang:” I departed from the Shimerville Rd parking lot at 0531 and walked east onto PA Ave. …

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Too many Side Straddle Hops!

Beautiful cool morning at the Trojan,six men gathered in the Gloom for a beatdown.Short jog around the loop,warm-up included SSHs,Abe Vigodas,Grass pickers, Carolina dry docks and Monkey humpers.The Thang:Bear crawl to next parking lot where we partnered up First partner ran the four corners, while second partner did merkins, second round:first man side shuffled, second …

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Boyant Hill 5K

6 #HIM gathered at #BlastFurnace on this the last day before the remaining counties of PA move into the “Green” phase of reopening from the COVID-19 shutdown! Warmarama: SSH x 15 IC Windmill x 15 IC Mountain Climbers x 15 IC Goofballs x 15 IC Next the PAX followed YHC over to the base of …

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Ruckers and Runners

Conditions: It was a partly cloudy and dry start with the sun creeping through the clouds to create a pink hue. The temperature was 72 degrees. Five PAX posted for the run/ruck this morning. Disclaimer was stated and all posted PAX agreed to the five core principles of F3 with an AYE! Two groups were created. …

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Stillness in the Parkway

Conditions: It was a humid start to the ruck from Lil Le Hi with a slow rise of the sun and a temperature of 71 degrees. “Thang:”  YHC started the ruck solo, but didn’t finish solo. YHC trekked north from Lil Le Hi parking lot to the longest and steepest hill on the parkway and then …

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A Cougar Rejuvenation!

Intro:After realizing it’s been over 35 workouts since I’ve lead my last one I wanted to step up and lead the group once again. I love the feeling after leading everyone and the only way to get better is by practicing. It’s an indescribable feeling but it definitely makes you feel rejuvenated. It was a 72 degree morning …

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Just another Saturday Morning at the Office

Conditions: It was a clear and sunny start to the ruck from the Bee Hive with a temperature in the 62 degrees. YHC posted for the ruck with a healing sprained ankle and the unforgiving 25# ruck sack. “Thang:” I departed from the Shimerville Rd parking lot at 0527 and walked east onto PA Ave. I made …

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No Excuses Workout

Warm up Arm circles Wrist stretch Leg kicks front Leg kicks side Legs kick back Side straddle hops Abe bagoda Grass pickers Side leg stretch Hip stretch Down dog Up dog Plank Mozey to pavilion Dips Step ups Merkins Lunges Wide grip merkins Squats Burpees Mozey to bball court.. race Crab cakes 10 Sprint to …

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Father’s Day Fatigue

Cloudy, high humidity, disclaimer verbally accepted. Dynamite led the warm up:  Three laps around the parking lot.  Exercises IC: mountain climbers, Abe Vigodas, Merkins, Peter Parkers, SSH, goof balls, and plank jacks. Scenic route mosey to playground. Dr. Seuss led The Thang:  Partner Exercises: AMRAP in 45 seconds, 15 seconds to flapjack, repeat for two sets …

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F3 Lehigh Valley