Beat the Q or Endure Burpees
Warmup with hill sprints and merkins. Then, “beat the Q” with the addition that if the Q was beaten by anyone then it was 10 burpees to the Q. Anyone that did not beat the Q got 5 burpees. Lots of fun!
Warmup with hill sprints and merkins. Then, “beat the Q” with the addition that if the Q was beaten by anyone then it was 10 burpees to the Q. Anyone that did not beat the Q got 5 burpees. Lots of fun!
Warm Up SSH, Abe Vigoda, Monkey Humpers, Grass Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Arm Circles, Merkins The Thang The Burpee Mile and a Half Q thought he was brilliant to discover the Burpee Mile only to find out in a last minute check of the week’s backblasts that it had just been done. Not to be out …
YHC rolled into the Trojan at 5:29am due to a toilet bowl headlock and someone who decided early mornings are the best time for leisurely driving on the Lone Lane! Mother nature greeted the PAX with real feel temperatures of 16 degrees. Disclosure – men only, rotational lead, outdoors, CoT, be careful, modify, and we …
The “Scientific Seven Minute Workout.” Involves 12 exercises (Jacks, Wall sit, Merkin, V sit, Step up, Squat, Dips, Plank, High knees, Lunges, Merkin w alternating arm rotation, Side plank) for 30 seconds each at max effort followed by a 10 second rest. We did it. Then we did it for 60 seconds. Then again at 30 seconds. Fun.
1-19-2018 Our band of brothers trudged thru the snow to the safety of our shell…. Bogey celebrated his 50th with a new-found friend “the log” Warm-a-rama The Thang: Each Pax picked their exercise of choice. Merkins, burpees, squats, Dr. Ws, air presses, V sits & lunges We started with a round of one each and …
23-Jan-2018 The Swamp welcomed back its Site Q, Neon, in classic swamp-like fashion. The rain was steady with occasional down-pours. Upon arrival, the 4 PAX scurried to the shelter of the pavilion across a sodden lawn. A cursory disclaimer was given on the way to the pavilion as we dodged puddles. Exercise instructions and cadence …
40, no wind It is Treehugger’s 50th “logged” workout, so we are of course crlebrating with slog. Yes with the HOF log in tow six of is pushed each other thru a warmer winter gloom, keeping our spirits high and the log off the ground for the entire workout. Disclosure warmarama: SSH, grasspickers, mountain climbers …
This morning I woke up with the cold I have been fighting for the past 3 days. Trouble breathing and a headache. YHC decided to man up and vacate the warm fartsack anyway. That was a tough decision that I have absolutely no regrets about. Speaking of No Regrets … The No Regrets men’s conference …
Real feel 10 degrees and snow all over the AO. Last night at the 3rd F event (Playing the Man) Beaker mentioned that he feels most manly when he is outdoors working. Case in point this past Saturday after an F3 workout he was out clearing some brush for most of the day and that …
Six inches of powder (and more coming down) made for a nice backdrop. Warm up with 100 yard sprints between descending squats (100, 75, 50, 25). Then on to rotating Q. Rotating Q picks the exercise and leads the pax until the Q fails. If the Q outlasts the entire pax then it is 10 …