Steady light rain, temps in the low 60s
Three PAX posted to this Easter weekend workout in the rain.
Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Moroccan Nightclubs, Smurf Jacks, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks, Best Stretch Ever
The Thang:
- Lazy Doras – combined totals of 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 Squats. P1 does 10 Merkins while P2/P3 Planks; P1 does 20 LBCs while P2/P3 holds six inches; P1 does 25 squats while P2/P3 holds squat position
- BTTW for 10 count each
- Indian Bear Crawl – line up in plank position. PAX at end bear crawls to front of line; across band stand and back
- DMC (Duckwalk, 5 Merkins, Crawl Bear back) repeat 3X increase Merkins by 5 each time
Mosey to pavilion
- 10 Jump Squats
- 20 Dips (IC)
- 15 Step Ups each leg
At this point, YHC’s weinke ran out of exercises with ~ 20 minutes left. Dealer’s choice for various exercises which included Flutter Kicks, Inclined Merkins, Declined Merkins, American Hammers, Side Plank Floyd Mayweathers, Freddie Mercury, Stretches, and several other exercises.
COT and coffeeteria