10/25/2023 - Willow Ruck/Run - Willow Ruck/Run

Conditions:  Cool, low 40’s, clear, and crispy Started promptly at 56:30 with disclaimer accepted by all. Warm-up: Stretches attempting (some successful others not so) to touch toes Down to Right…

10/18/2023 - Willow Ruck/Run - Run/Ruck

WARMORAMA : Hip rolls  10 Neck rolls 10 Worlds greatest stretch  Michael Phelps:  10  Abe Vagodas 10  Grass Pickers 10 Toy shoulders 10  Imperial Walkers 10  Side straddle hops 10 …

09/20/2023 - Willow Ruck/Run - Hills Run

Cool morning, mid-50’s, but clear All agreed to disclaimer. Warm-up- Stretching, Abe Vigotas, Mericans, and SSH Thang- 2 for the run. We did the Hills Loop. 3.38 miles in 35…

F3 Lehigh Valley