01/10/2024 - Willow Ruck/Run - Skipping over puddles

Conditions:   Warmish  mid-40’s.  post rain storm, so lots of puddles All agreed to disclaimer Warm-up: stretching Nontraditional route because of the newly formed ponds and rivers from the previous evenings…

01/03/2024 - Willow Ruck/Run - Solo ruck

Weather: 27 degrees, dark, dry, no wind Warmorama: seal claps, overhead claps, Moroccan night clubs, abe vagodas, grass pickers, side straddle hops, ankle twirls, IC, 10 each.  Stretches on ground,…

12/20/2023 - Willow Ruck/Run - Misty mosey

2 pax for a midweek mosey at Willow , 27 degrees and gloomy. Warmorama:  ic 10x overhead claps, Moroccan night clubs, seal claps, 30sec toe toes, and alt. Calf stretch.…

11/29/2023 - Willow Ruck/Run - Chilly Ruck

2 pax met in breezy 25 degree darkness for the mid week run/ruck at Willow Lane. Light warmup Warmorama started with touch toe 20 second stretching, abe vagodas, grass pickers,…

11/08/2023 - Willow Ruck/Run - Mid week Ruck

Breezy 44 degrees for mid week beat down Warmarama:  casey casums, neck rolls, trunk rolls, toy soldiers, imperial walkers, grass pickers, leg stretching. Thang:  2.25 mile ruck in 34

11/01/2023 - Willow Ruck/Run - Willow Ruck/Run

Conditions:  Cold, mid-40’s, clear sky, and bright moon Disclaimer agreed by all Warm-up:   Stretches to Right Ankle, Left Ankle, in Middle,   Casey Casums, Grass Pickers (10 IC), Monkey Humpers (10…

F3 Lehigh Valley