02/20/2024 - 2301 - F3 Deck of Destiny

After a brisk mosey around the Siberian parking lot a couple times, we further warmed up with 13 Imperial Walkers and Grass Pickers.  Slice shuffled the OFFICIAL F3 Workout Deck…

01/13/2024 - 2301 - playoff ready HIMs

Disclaimer accepted by all on a 54 degree soggy Saturday. warm-o-rama: wonderbras and huggy bears ic x10, arm circles and trunk rolls 5 oyo, Imperial Walkers ic x15, grass pickers…

12/19/2023 - Swamp - “Las Posadas” Beatdown

Commemorating Joseph and Mary’s search for shelter. We will travel (mosey) to different spots of the park for pain stations. Warmup- Trunk rolls, Imperial walkers, Abe Vigoda, Merkins, slow Merkins.…

F3 Lehigh Valley