2 ½ inches of rain overnight on top of already water-logged ground…the Grill was sodden. YHC arrived ~ 15 minutes early and searched for the driest 100-yard stretch on the field for the IronPAX pre-challenge. Not much luck, the stretch still had areas of standing water. Oh well, we would just have to resign to being soaked.
Five PAX arrived, disclaimer was given and we started the workout in the only dry spot – the band shell.
Warm-a-rama: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Plank Jacks, Best Stretch Ever
Off to the middle field of the park while taking some detours around pools of water
The Thang:
Preseason IronPAXChallenge: Time Scored 1 round:
• 25 hand-release Merkins
• 100 yard bear crawl
• 25 hand-release Merkins
• 100 yard bear crawl
All PAX finished strong with times ranging from 6 to 7 ½ minutes. We were all now thoroughly soaked.
Mary Mile – run ~ 1 mile along the Schuylkill River, stop every 1/5 mile for Ab exercise: 50 LBC, 50 Flutter Kicks, 50 Imperial Walkers, 50 Freddie Mercury, 50 Climber Taps
Mosey to playground
• Morning Call – 1 PAX in turn does Pullups (AMRAP), other PAX do squats for each pullup
• 20 Dips
• Zombie Walk back to shovel flag
• WMD – 10 each Werkin, Merkin, Diamond Merkin
COT: Announcements – next week is campout at Blue Rocks Campground and Boulder Scramble, Praise/Pray Requests – prayers for our pastor (F3-General) who experiences health issues this past week; praise for Wichita’s sister who is responding well to her treatment , Count-a-Rama, Name-a-Rama, Prayer