AMRAP Virtually

3 PAX met from our porch, deck, and back yard on a beautiful Spring morning for a virtual workout.

Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Toy Soldiers, Peter Parkers, Best Stretch Ever

The Thang:

AMRAP in 1 minute:

    Makhtar N’Diayes
    Military Up/Down (similar to Makhtar N’Diayes but from standing position to knees and back up)
    Broad Jump
    Bear Crawl 3 steps forward/Crawl Bear 3 steps back

20 Reverse Lunge with Arm Curl (with coupon) at bottom of lunge

15 Merkins

25 LBC

15 Rows (with coupon) each arm

20 Leg Raises

10 Glute Bridge (with coupon on hips)

Tabata: 20 seconds exercise/10 second rest; 8 rounds for total of 4 minutes — alternate 2 exercises: Alternating Shoulder Taps and Freddie Mercury

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Crunchy Frogs, Flutter Kicks, WWI Sit ups

COT: Prayers for discernment navigating COVID; Thanks for our nation and for those who serve in our military


F3 Lehigh Valley