This morning a single Pax walked the lonely streets of The Bee Hive with a Ruck on his back in hopes of seeing someone for fellowship. They never came. Of shaming is over now.
Disclaimer given and the Pax moseyed to the Bandshell for the:
SSH x 20 ic
Sealjacks x 15 ic
Plank x 1 minute
Peter Parker’s x 20 ic
LBACs x 10 each direction
BBACs x 10 each direction
Huggy Bears x 10
Plank x 1 minute
There was a lot of good conversation around the idea is the #getright. After listening to the #43feetpodcast the realization hit me the Get Right is a continuous process that will never end. The analogy of tending a sail boat or piloting an airplane was brought up. Even though you have set a course there must be a consistent adjustment to counteract the outside forces of the wind and waves to maintain the course to the destination. If you leave it to chance you may end up in Perry county, not a place you want to go, trust me.
First Pax calls out an exercise for the remaining Pax to complete while they go to the truck (~ ⅛ mile) to retrieve their coupon for the workout. When Pax one returns Pax two goes back with Pax one to retrieve their coupon. Then Pax three goes to get his coupon with Pax two while Pax one stays with the group. We continue until all Pax has a coupon.
The exercises were:
- Squats
- Alternating Lunges
- LBCs
- Calf Raises
- Toy Soldiers
- Big Boys Sit-ups
- Overhead Claps
- Merkins
- ?
Once all Pax has their coupons we used the coupons to do:
- Squats x 20 ic
- LBCs x 20 ic
- Chest Presses x 10 ic
- Lunge Twist x 10 oyo
- Big Boys Sit-ups x 20 ic
- Skull Crushers x 10 oyo
- Calf Raises x 20 ic
- American Hammers x 10 ic
- Back Rows x 10/side oyo
All Pax moseyed to the truck to return their coupons and then back to the shovel flag.
Prayers: Venezuela, the Doster family, and Knoevel’s friend.
Announcememts: St Luke’s Half and 5K, Run in Coplay, Virtual Bible Study, Newsletter Submissions, Poker Night