ABs and More

F3 Blast Furnace, Reeves Park, Phoenixville, PA

Q : Dial-Up
PAX : 5
Conditions : Ground was wet from overnight rain, but cloudy skies showing through some stars

Warm-up Stretches

    100 – Side Straddle Hops (Jumping Jacks)
    50 Toe Touches (moving feet apart two inches for every 10 touches)
    Arm circles
    Hip stretches
    Grass pickers

The Workout

Round 1

    10 Little Baby Crunches
    10 Side to Side Heal Touches
    Repeat 10 times

Round 2

    10 Merkins
    10 Bench Dips
    Repeat 10 Times

Round 3

    10 Squats (legs spread apart)
    10 Speed Skaters or forward and backward lunges
    Repeat 10 times

Round 4

    60 second low (or high) plank hold (count by 10s)
    Side plank Raises (10 each side)
    Repeat 4 times
    Circle of Sit-ups – 25 total

Number-ama : 5
Circle of Trust
Closing Prayer

F3 Lehigh Valley