A long walk …

#BigWheelRuck – What is that?

In order to learn the meaning behind this hashtag I need to share a story. This story does not have a happy ending and has brought tears to my eyes on more than one occasion.

After a CSAUP event Eric Swendsen fell to the ground and had a massive heart attack. After much effort and complications Eric, known in F3 Nation and his local region F3 Houston as Big Wheel, passed away. At the age of 30 he leaves his bride of seven years Jessica and his twon sons Conoper, 3 and Eli, 1. Big Wheel’s father is also one of the F3 PAX in f3 Houston. Bill Swendsen goes by the F3 name of Cruiser. I do not know much about Big Wheel beyond what I have shared already. One thing I do know is that God has connected me to this family. I don’t know exactly what that means but I am following the Holy Spirit’s nudging on this one. So how did I get involved in this situation about a man I never met?

To raise funds to help pay for medical expenses the men of F3 NOLA donated a ruck sack and someone made a custom 30 lb ruck plate endorned with a picture of a big wheel and the words “Big Wheel.” These items were raffeled off and I was the lucky winner. I would rahter not have this weight to carry around if it meant Eric would still wake up next to his M.

Now I am on a mission to #rucktoremember Eric by completing what I am calling a #BigWheelRuck That is what I did this morning. Three miles of carrying this man’s memory. God works in very strange ways that we do not completely understand and he did that this morning. During the first mile Drop Box joined me. He left early due to a leg injury he is nursing. We talked about family and such.

During the ruck, and this was not planned, I walked past the place where my M and I had a picnic lunch on our first date. Even more significant is this is that same place where she agreed to spend eternity with me. That’s right, she became mrs. Flame …

Hold dear your relationships men. Start with your M, then your 2.0s, you family and friends, and please, please put work last. That is #livingthird


F3 Lehigh Valley