8 PAX showed up on a hot and HUMID Phoenixville morning to enjoy some of my favorite F3 things!
Quick disclaimer then circle up around the flag to warm up:
Sun Gods (a fair amount OYO)
Imperial Walker x 15
Copperhead Squats x 15
Continue the warmup with an Indian Run around the perimeter of the AO (exactly 1/2 mile).
The PAX gathered again by the flag for a briefing on what was about to go down: a 10 to 1 Lowes special featuring Donkey Kicks, Pull-ups and Squats. The PAX rotated between the three exercises at different spots around the AO starting at 10 reps, then 9, then 8, all the way down to one for a total of 55 reps of each exercise. The PAX (including YHC) all agreed it was much harder than it sounded! Quick ten count then on to the next challenge.
The PAX lined up near the sidewalk in the middle of the park, partnered up and then did a wheelbarrow to Point B (first tree line/picnic table). While conveniently in the wheelbarrow/plank position, the PAX then knocked out 10 Partner Shrugs. Switch places and then wheelbarrow back to Point A and do 20 Partner shrugs. Switch places and wheelbarrow back to Point B for 30 Partner Shrugs. Switch places and wheelbarrow back to Point A for 20 Partner Shrugs. Switch places one last time and wheelbarrow back to Point B for 10 Partner Shrugs. Phew! Another 10 count!
Now over to the bandstand area for some Step ups and Dips action, in cadence (4 count baby)!
Step Ups x 15
Dips x 15
Step Ups x 20
Dips x 20
It was about this time that I choked on a gnat or two and Galdalf chimed in with some on point Dad humor!
Step Ups x 25
Dips x 25(ish)
ANOTHER 10 COUNT and then a couple of filler exercises as we were moving though what was planned pretty quickly (Gas Pumpers and I forget what else – dying cockroaches perhaps?)
Now on to the rear of the band stand for some good ol’ Balls to the Wall (my nemesis by the way) till muscle failure (or head explosion). All PAX had a nice showing but props to Dial Up who was last man standing (with Flipper as a close second I believe).
Few minutes left for another mosey around the perimeter of the AO and back to the flag for some Mary including but not limited to:
James Bonds
Half Freddy Mercuries
Pickle Pointer
Prayers for Sandler (FNG from inaugural Thursday Beatdown) and that he comes back out soon!
Prayers for our brother ChemX (Jeff) that had a spot removed from around his rib. Praise that the Doc doesn’t “think” its cancerous but still waiting on Biopsy results.
Prayers for any and all traveling this week/next week!
Great turnout for the Independence Day 1776 Beatdown in Philly!
Remember Thursday AM beatdown this week at 5:30!
Check the Q sheet and lets fill up all upcoming spots (Saturday AND Thursday)!