Friday February 22, 2019
In the book of Acts, Peter and John were preaching the gospel during which they healed a cripple with an interesting side note (I thought). Acts 4:22 “For the man they had miraculously healed was over 40 years old”. This signified he had been that way a long time & considered too far gone to be healed. But nothing is impossible with God. Though the 4 of us were over 40, we’re blessed with good (though not perfect) health. For some it may feel like an impossibility getting up before dawn to exercise in the cold/rain/snow/heat. I know I did.
Conditions: 37 degrees, clear
The 5 F’s – Disclaimer accepted by all
(IC) SSH/SSClaps, (OYO)/Casey Kasums/Neck/Trunk, Abe Vigodas, (IC) Merkins, Mountain Climbers
Peter Parkers, Lunges – front and side
Around church x 2
Shuttle Crafting
Mosey between two points 60 yards apart.
At each point we did a different exercise. YHC named the first three: Merkins, World’s Greatest Stretch, Monkey Humpers. Then I threw in a twist that required some thinking under duress – had the PAX take turns naming the subsequent exercises (here’s the list – that I could remember):
American Hammers
Imperial Walkers
Alligator Merkins for 20
Flutter kicks
Freddie Mercurys
X’ & O’s
Half Supermans
Shoulder Taps
Another few I can’t recall…
Mary – Dealer’s Choice
Deep back stretches (back position > knee to chest/cross-legged side stretch)
American Hammers