4 year Manniversary Convergence

There isn’t a better feeling than showing up to a workout 15 minutes early and already seeing 20 guys waiting for you.

06:57 – 3 minute warning given.

06:58 – 2 minutes of welcome and disclaimer given.

Today F3 Lehigh Valley celebrated 4 years of FREE open to all men bootcamp style workouts.  These workouts are led in a rotating fashion by guys in the workout, conducted outdoors, and always end with a Circle of Trust.  The 1st F is Fitness, the 2nd F is Fellowship, and the 3rd F is Faith.  Every workout has a component of each of the F’s and if it doesn’t, it’s not F3.   Myself and the men leading the bootcamp exercises at each bridges over the 6 miles of trail are not professionals.  Anything they say is just a suggestion.  Modify as needed including not even doing the exercises.  If you accept these risks and terms, state “AYE”

This workout, like every workout is designed to accommodate all fitness levels, from the super elite Olympian (Zorro) and North American Spartan Champion (Sensei) to the guy who wants some extra motivation to get off the couch consistently each week (endless names).

0700 – slow mosey across the street to open field for Warmarama led by Spike from F3 Valley Forge.

Below is today’s bridge line up and the different regions out in front leading the bootcamp.  Sunspot (F3 Lanco) and CSPAN (F3 Philly) are ruck captains.  They are the sweepers picking up the 6 (last guy).  When Ruck Team arrives at the bridge they will have some bonus exercise recommendations before Pax heads off to the next bridge.

 RegionLaunch DateRegion NantanBridge Name (#)Rabbit QBeatdown Routine / Focus Area
1Philly, PA10/20/2018CSPANFly HouseCSPANOld School
2Indian Valley, PA7/1/2020LowesCoveredLowesRevenge of the Speed Humpers
3Harrisburg, PA9/28/2019FlintstoneClub HouseHershey KissCan’t Hurt Me
4Lehigh Valley, PA9/1/2016Uptown GirlFiremanCaponeMo’ Plank
5Villanova, PA11/1/2018PingGayTriggerPlank Stare
6Hamburg, PA3/31/2018BeakerFiremanPochantasThe 3 Burner Grill
7Lancaster, PA10/21/2017SunspotClub HouseEagleCalfeine
8Lehigh Valley, PA9/1/2016Uptown GirlCoveredNeonThe Penultimate
9Lehigh Valley, PA9/1/2016Uptown GirlFly HouseSenseiHeartbreak Hill

Everything was going great until it wasn’t.  We made it back to start area in just about 2 hours and 1 minute.  Then Sensei unleashed over a 1,000 pounds of coupons.  Groups of 3 guys carrying various weighted objects up and down the hill 3 times, with a 10 Blockees (Burpees with a Block) before taking the hill again.

Also rumor was there as 1 guy late for workout, so Dynamite called a 10 burpee penalty we all had to pay, because no man is left behind in F3.

Mosey to Shovel Flag for COT

Before leading us in prayer, Beaker led us in some reminders about leadership and being part of F3.  While F3 on the surface pushes men physically beyond what they would do on our own it also reinforces the character qualities and skills require to lead in all areas of life.  Beaker encouraged us to step up a workout Q’s, Site Q’s, and showing up to workout to lead with love for your brothers, wives, and kids.

Special call-out all our 2.0’s pushing themselves to new limits and the wives who were taking videos of us and setting up food and having water for us out on the course.

No doubt 4 years of F3 in the Lehigh Valley (Emmaus, Macungie, Allentown) and now in Philly, Franconia, Villanova, Valley Forge, Princeton, NJ, Rhode Island, Hershey, Harrisburg, Danville, Bloomsburg, Cattasaqua, Hamburg, and Fleetwood would not have happened without the servant leadership of the men gathered today.


F3 Lehigh Valley