7 PAX on 11/24/2018 included :
Mr. Feeney gave us a great workout by using the 4 corners of Reeves Park for “The Thang,” which consisted of (at each corner) :
Lap 1 : 40 pushups, 30 pushups, 20 pushups, 10 pushups
Lap 2 : 40 squats, 30 squats, 20 squats, 10 squats
Lap 3 : 40 mountain climbers, 30 mountain climbers, 20, then 10
After that 1.5 mile excursion around Reeves Park (during which I was of course, at the ever-present “six position” for all 3 laps), we ended with two rounds of upper body work at the jungle gym equipment, including 7 stations :
1. pull-ups
2. dips
3. sit-ups
4. suspended leg raises
5. raised merkins
6. hip slappers
7. one other exercise I forgot.
We ended with a good amount of core exercises.