4 corners

Warmup consisted of Lowes unloading his coupons while the rest of watched. For the record, we did offer to help. Also, did some dialup specials, weed pickers, arm circles, and SSH.


The Thang; 4 corners using the basketball courts. Did not move to the next corner until 1 pax member did a lap. Corner 1: Flying squirrels, SSH, Burpees. Travel to next corner via lunge walk, skipping, karaoke. Corner 2: squats, stationary lunges. Travel to next corner via bear crawl or crawl bear. Corner 3: merkins, hand release release merkins, dry docks. Travel via lunges walk, skipping, karaoke. Corner 4: lbc, big boy, American hammers, plank. Travel to corner 1 via bear crawl or crawl bear.

COT: prayers for students, teachers, and parents returning to school.

Enjoyed my first real Q at the Cheiftain aka “the Dark”.  Pax really pushed themselves and as always had some great mumble chatter. Bloomers made the trek out with YHC via clown car. Dialup also made the trek to IV. Dropcloth and Dialup are killing it, want to be like them when I grow up. Fonda was disappointed the dollys didn’t make the trip. Shout out to Bloomers for the Rocky soundtrack suggestion and giving us a play by play of the movie for each song.

My pleasure to lead and Q the first Monday at the Chieftain (the Dark). Hope the park has some lights in the plans as this place is Dark.

F3 Lehigh Valley