
Conditions: It was a clear, mild/moderately windy, cool start to the beatdown with a temperature of 44 degrees. We were all graced by the dawn of the new day as the sun rose over the east, bringing light where there was darkness.

The beatdown started promptly at 0530 and the disclaimer was stated and all posted PAX agreed to the core principles of F3 with an AYE!

Today marked my, Dynamite’s, 100th beatdown and the central theme of the workout was “100”.

Warm-a-Rama: 10 exercises were selected for 10 reps in cadence. The exercises are listed below.

    Plank Jacks
    Side Lunges
    Mountain Climbers
    Abe Pagodas
    Monkey Humpers
    Peter Parkers
    Apollo Ohno’s
    Parker Peters

Short mosey to the “pull-up” pavilion.

“Thang:” The “Thang” centered around performing 100 reps of all selected exercises, breaking the 100 reps down into 10 sets of 10 reps. The workout was simply structured, but was brutal in execution. Time permitted 50% completion of the designed workout. The individual routines are listed below.

    Merkins (challenge self by adding a different variation each set of 10 reps)/Pull-ups
    10 Burpees f/b a 100 yard dash. Rinse and repeat for 10 total sets. (10 Burpees at one end of the field, run 100 yard to other side, then 10 Burpees)

Mosey back to shovel flag to conclude the beatdown. Mary was not included in this workout.

Count-a-Rama: 15

Name-a-Rama: Abscess, Cougar, Daredevil, Dr. Seuss, Dynamite, Einstein, Humvee, Knievel, Long Haul, Ranger, Shirley, Sprinkles, Spud, Uptown Girl, Xbox


    Dr. Seuss is on Q for the Trojan on Thursday 5/7/20 at 0530.
    Q is open for Saturday at the Bee Hive and any PAX member is encouraged to take a step of faith to lead. If no one volunteers, I’ll take the Q for Saturday.
    Virtual Q-Source on Saturday 5/9/20 at 0745 on the topic of “Meeting” as the last part to the third “F” series.


    Praise for the Lord’s active hand in the “All Pro Dad’s” ministry led by Uptown Girl and Mani for a career day today.
    Prayer that “All Pro Dad’s” can outreach to other schools in the LV to bring unity to dad’s and children.
    Praise for my official start to work tomorrow 5/6/20.
    Prayer for Humvee’s fellow brother, Wilson, and family as they prepare for God to call Wilson home. Also a praise that God provided an opportunity to bring joy to Wilson by bringing a community together to provide a wheelchair to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation this evening.
    Prayers for those battling the demons of the flesh and giving into their flesh weaknesses. Prayed for strength in those weaknesses and a pivot in focus on the Father who will is the source of good fruit.

Coffeteria occurred after with coffee provided by Long Haul. Thank you, brother, for your generosity and commitment to bring all of the PAX into closer fellowship.

HIM’s, it was my distinct duty, honor, and pleasure to lead you all through a simply designed, but effective beatdown to help you accelerate in your first “F’s.” If there is anyway I can serve you all, please reach out. I leave you all with Romans 8:28. Dios Te Bendiga, hermanos!

F3 Lehigh Valley