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You Don’t Know Squat

The fancy schmancy title is based on the Q’s own limitations and a case of hamstring tendonitis. There were no squats, no lunges and no lowering of butts or bending of knees on this morning. Despite this, there were no limitations to the other aspects of the thrashing.


grass pickers
side straddle hops
arm circles
plank jacks
mountain climbers

Three laps down lane including side shuffle, power skips, jog backwards and sprints

mosey to parking lot for partner work up and back

– 150 dry docks sprint up and back
– 100 crab cakes sprint up and backwards run back
– 100 imperial walkers side shuffle up and back

mosey to covered porch
– round of mary alternating with mucho chesto; merkin flavors included close/diamond, wide, regular, staggered, spiderman and peter parkers. Also did 2 sets of tricepts

Count-o-rama / Name-o-rama: 5

prayers and praises: Cougar’s father in law has prostate cancer, prayers for whole family; Beaker’s father in law just passed, prayers for his wife and mother in law; PRAISE! Knievel’s coworker just had pic-line removed from lymphoma and he is healthy. Warm fuzzies going out to Uptown Girl for his knee surgery and hoping he is back in form for bikini season.

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