Warm up.
SS Hops, Abe Vagotas, Grass Pickers, Trunk Rolls, Arm Circles, Murkins, LBCS, in Cadence
The Thang
Ran to the upper park#2 about 1 mile away.
Started with 10 Burpees OYO , Dips, CDDs, LBCs and Balls to the Wall for a 15 count each. We then reversed , starting with LBCs, CDDs, Dips and then 10 Burpees OYO. Ran back another mile to the Ranch and did four corners. Starting with lung walk to one corner ( did an exercise) , Bear crawled to the flag ( did an exercise) side shuffle to the end of the parking lot ( did an exercise) , Butt kickers to the last corner ( did an exercise) went back to the Shovel Flag for some Mary.. Finished with Countarama, NameOrama and Circle of trust.