Warm up
Mosey around the park circle and stopped at the flagpole.
SS Hops, Monkey humpers, grass pickers, Carolina dry docks, murkins, mountain climbers in cadence
followed by arm circles and we held planking’s variations for 2 minutes moseyed back to the starting point.
The Thang “
Four sections of the Circle in the park.
Partnered up in groups of 3 and one group of 2 pax. Spread out to each section where there was an orange cone with three exercises written on each ( fourth section had coupons). We went three rounds. Each pax at a cone had to perform the first exercise on the cones list for a count of ten ( in cadence except Burpees ( 10 Burpees alone). Once the pax was finished with his exercise , each team moseyed to the next section finding another cone with a new list of exercises to do.
Rinsed and repeated until all exercises where done in three rounds.
We then moseyed to the monkey bars for a session of pushups, pull ups and squats.
one guy did 30 push-ups while his partners did pull ups and the other did squats. Once the pax doing push-ups reached a 30 count , everyone switched . All pax had to do each exercise.
Uptown girl took over.
They finished up on Monkey Bars with one partner assist with pull up and p3 does 10 ic bonnie Baird. Mosey to flag for Mary. Flutters, American Hammer, crunchy frog, and finish with World War I.
Countarama, NameOrama,
Finished with a Circle of trust. Welcome Trumpet and Sunshine to F3…