19-Oct-2017 Trojan Workout
6 PAX posted to the Trojan under a starry sky.
Disclaimer: I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk (e.g., if you trip over a skunk) and full liability. You are best able to determine your abilities and should modify the workout as needed to suit your own needs. Stay safe and be alert.
Mosey to park entrance
Day’s Thought: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” Viktor Frankl, holocaust survivor.
Another virtue of manhood is Will Power – responding to circumstances in a manner that makes the most of the situation; delay gratification; make decisions against yourself; self-denial. Discipline begets discipline.
Warm-a-rama: Arm circles, Abe Vigoda, Moroccan Nightclub, Imperial Walker, Monkey Humpers, Copperhead squat, Plank Jacks, Peter Parkers
The Thang:
Basic Indian Run to playground
- 2 groups: 1: Inverted rows on swing (30) and Ab roll outs (30); 2: Burp-ups (~10) and Derkins (15)
- Russian Dips (30)
Mosey to parking lot
- Wheel of Animal Walk across parking lot: Frog hop/10 Werkin; Bear Crawl/10 Merkin w/ L hand forward; Duck Walk/10 Diamond Merkin; Crab Walk, 10 Merkin w/ R hand forward
Uptown Girl imparted a life survival skill during the bear crawl – if a bear is chasing you, run downhill since a bear runs more slowly downhill; this was verified by Uptown Girl’s observation during a Bear Crawl at the Swamp. YHC thinks all you need to worry about is being able to run faster than your companion which is an incentive to post to F3 workouts!
Mary: Dolly, Freddie Mercury, Flutter Kicks, Reverse Crunch, Alternate Toe Touch, Starfish Crunch
Truth nugget: “The secret to not sinning is not “not sinning” but to dream more – you need a vision for your life bigger and better than selfish ambition.”
COT: Announcements, Praise/Pray Requests, Count-a-Rama, Name-a-Rama, Prayer (Leading for Zena with some decisions; Reliable vehicle for Petri and provisions as he and his M travel).