Chilly and Dark, 5 HIMs (high impact men) of Berks county met up to beat their bodies and encourage each other…
warmarama: SSH, hillbillies, MH’s
indian run around lower (unlit) end of track….missed a turn, lost the track, didn’t see a hill….with my history of running in the dark you’d think this would be a situation I’d avoid a little more…we made it to the Hill Of Fame eventually for…
-Clock Merkins…. 4 merkins in each clock position called out by Q
-partnered up for 1 round of hill Doras
PAX 1: backwards run up, forwards run down, backwards up..10 merkins at top, bear crawl down switch with partner
Pax 2: 100 burpees
mosey back to pavilion
find spot on wall for
-Mike Tysons x 10
-people’s chair with air claps/ punching jabs
meet over at flag for ab burners, PAX choice: bicycles, dr w’s, v sits, Jane Fondas, American Hammers