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Where’s my socks?

It was 5:22 AM and the Q’s pregame consisted of a doggy dig through the laundry room for clean socks. There was no counting involved, just bad words, but at least 50 reps were done. In his hand were the socks of the M, 2.o, 2.1 and 2.2 — but not his. Finally, two socks appeared at the bottom, they didn’t match but they fit.

Workout kicked off at 5:31 AM with mini disclosure and Warm-o-rama:

The Thang
Partner up for 3 sets; one partner sprint and back. 50 cumulative burpees, followed by another set similar deal but 100 merkins and sprinting up and back, and finally 100 carolina dry docks with an up and back sprint. 15 squats in between sets
Announcements: Turkey Day workout, Black Friday workout and volunteering at the Allentown Rescue Mission
COT: 6:15AM
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