I found the best way to avoid being late for the 0630 bootcamp workout is to show-up 2 minutes late for the 0530 Ruck (hike). There are no penalty burpees handed out for being late to Ruck. Five guys (one return renamed PAX – Stripes) went on slow climb up 10th street hill, some with 30 lbs packs and others with just 10 to 20 pounds they want to shed. Two Pax showed up late for bootcamp giving us a 20 penalty bonus component to the workout.
DISCLAIMER – free, open to all men, not a professional, modify as needed to include not doing the exercises, if you accept state AYE.
WARMARAMA – ssh, abe vagoda, grass pickers, monkey humpers, alabama ass kickers, merkins, mountain climbers, lunge stretch 5,4,3,2,1.
THE THANG – Iron Clad Week #8 (modified)
Mosey to football field pavilion (.25)
Round 1 – 10 Squats low and slow, 20 bonnie blairs, 30 sec. elbow plank
Rinse with 25 yards Wheel Barrow Race.
Round 2 – 10 Lunges, 20 Box Jumps, 30 sec side elbow plank
Rinse with 25 yards Fireman Carry Race
Round 3 – 10 one leg squats, 20 Broad Jump Distance Competition, 30 Freddie Mercury IC
Rinse with 25 yard – Alligator Crawl and backwards wheel barrow races.
Round 4 – 10 one leg bridges, 20 donkey kicks, 30 flutter kicks IC
Rinse with 3×9,18 yard shuttle run, repeat left side shuffle, right side shuffle.
mosey to other side of park to hang out pavilion
Round 5 – 10 pull-ups, 20 hanging knee ups, 30 second hang
Mosey to back to flag.
BONUS ROUND – 20 circle burpees
MARY – big boys, lbc’s, american hammers, in-outs, j-lo’s, half superman, peter parker
Norama, CoRama, prayers for “Breakthrough” in our faith like the movie, Open House travels and building project, praise for All Pro Dad’s breakfast and F3 brothers and dads in community continued support, and continued strength to put a new EH on a guy and return a headlock to a man who came out before. Quadzilla shared a great story that emphasized why men need F3. In life SHIT will hit the fan, it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. You will either be prepared in that moment to lead or get overtaken by the circumstances keeping you in the SHIT. So meeting up with a bunch of guys at O dark 30 is some crazy shit, but you will be prepared in ways you’ll never imagine.