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Welcome Back From NOLA

A not so warm welcome back from New Orleans LA. A perfect 22 degrees real feel. Some let Stairmaster know he is going to need to start covering those legs or stop shaving them if he is going to run around in shorts. YHC decided to bring some new twists learned from the F3 New Orleans pax. Disclaimer – not professional, free, men only, you assume all risk, modify as needed to include not doing what is suggested, end with CoT. Warmarama – F3 NOLA did a lot more running and higher count warm-up exercises; which I didn’t like at first, but grew to like. So we fast paced mosey to end of drive way (.25 mile) for 30 count of SSH until the Six. Merkins, Hill Billies, Abe Vagoda, Grass Pickers. Then face paced mosey to the lower pavilion. (.25 mile) The Thang Part 1 – Mini Murph (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats) x 5 as quickly as possible Rinse with .25 Indian Run around track. Part 2 – BLIMPS – six stations AMRAP every station, until 10 count Burpees complete, then rotate. Burpees, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Squats Rinse with .25 Catch Me If You Can Indian Run (5 hand release merkins) Part 3 – FLORA – Partner Up. Combine Total Rep Count of the following exercises. 100 – Merkins (P1 – Merkin on P2 back, P2 Hold Plank, flip back and forth) 200 – LBC’s (P1 – LBC; while P2 six inches hold) 300 – Squats and Al Gore (I think we ran out of time here and cut this out) 6MOM – YHC demonstrated the Sunday Morning NOLA routine;however, not executed by PAX for 4 minutes due to time. Mosey back to the shovel flag. CoT Announcements – F3 Holiday Party Impact Event 12/13, need RSVP this Friday 12/6. TAPs – Jason is having seizures after liver transplant, Joe is doing well. Jim is out of jail, on a slippery slope with home plan. Praise for ability to wake up and get better every day with our F3 brothers.

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