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Weather the Storm

YHC rolled in at 5:29am to two dedicated PAX ready to weather the storm.  Just a few rain drops and soggy.

Disclosure This workout is Always Free, Always Men, Always Outdoors, Always unpaid volunteers, Always rotation-ally led, and we Always end with a circle of trust.  We are Non Professional’s so you Can’t Sew Us, We don’t own anything,  everything we say is just a suggestion. Unlike other workouts we wait for our 6; which is the last guy.  The objective is that you get the best workout possible for you.  Give your near maximum effort.  Therefore modify, modify, modify!  If you hear a term you don’t understand, look to the guy to your left or right and ask him to explain.

Warmarama – Circle up under pavilion.  SSH, Sungods, Goofballs, Peter Parkers, Imperial Walkers, Dips, Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Abe Vogada’s.  Across the pavilion and back we did lunges forward, backwards, sideways, robots, bear crawl forward, and bear crawl backward.

The Thang

Part 1 –  Man Carry.   Partner Up.  Partner 1 jumps on Partner 2 back walk run 100+ yards to designated stop point.  The odd man in the PAX does 10 burbees and then sprints to catch the PAX.  At designated stop point flutter kicks unitl 6.  Rinse and Repeat until every man gets to carry.  Before going on next carry, PAX does 10 exercises together.  (Merkin Box Cutters, Air Squats)


Part 2 – Field of Dreams

Start out by counting off by fours. 1s start at First Base (1st cone) do AMRAP Squats until relieved. 2s at Second Base (2nd cone) do AMRAP Mercans until relieved. 3s at Third Base (3rd cone) do AMRAP LBC’s until relieved. 4s at Home Plate (4th cone) will perform 15 Burpees then run to First, relieving the Pax there. Continue until all Pax have done the Burpees.

Part 3 – Bear-peas

Bear crawl across 4 courts, 1 burpee at sideline of each court., lunge back 2 burbees

Side Shuffle across 4 courts, 3 burpee at sideline of each court., backwards run back 4 burbees

Mary – Circle Up on Freddie Mercury AMRAP.  1 PAX does 5 Merkin Punches.  When 1 PAX completes another starts, fall back to Freddie Mercury until each PAX does Merkin Punches.

Announcements: F3 Picnic in motion.  In need of Q for Saturday at Bee Hive.

CoRama = 3     NoRama

COT  –  Praise God for the women in our lives. Flame celebrates 10 years of marriage today. Special intentions for Flame’s end to a school year and finding his passion in IT Project Management.  Drop Box keeps EH’ing guys from Mack Truck so we just pray for all the men who need to learn about F3.  Thank you God for keeping our paths straight and leading us through all the storms in life.

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