Conditions: low 60’s; sunny
After being away last weekend I was looking forward to getting back to the Grill and was anticipating a good turnout. I had heard good things about Ringworm’s VQ which apparently was quite the beatdown with a lot of chatter about merkins up and down the stairs.
Cars started rolling in and then I saw two men strolling down the street toward the band stand. As they got closer I recognized Waldo who I haven’t seen at the Grill in over a year. He was in for the weekend from Ireland and thought he’d surprise me rather than giving a heads up that he was in town. He made my day. And, he brought an FNG, his neighbor. We ended up with a strong turnout of 10 PAX. Tiny, showed up for his second workout after the warm-a-rama.
The disclaimer was given and we launched into warm-a-rama: SSH, Arm Circles, Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, Abe Vigoda, Alabama Ass Kickers, Best Stretch Ever, Calf Stretch, Plank Jacks. And for good measure, to get us in the right spirit, we did 3 Wolverines to get the adrenaline flowing.
The Thang:
This week’s workout was modified from the workout I did in Columbus Ohio last week:
#1: 20 Lunges, 15 Merkins, 10 WWI Sit-ups, 5 Burpees; Run ~70 yards and back; Repeat 5X or as many sets as possible until all have completed at least 5 sets.
At this point, Waldo demonstrated that he hasn’t been slacking off, he lapped us and completed 6 sets. His secret…he’s been doing F3-like workouts with his M in Ireland. I asked when he is going to start an F3 Ireland group and he is seriously thinking about it. I want to go to the launch; anyone else game?
#2: Teams of 3 or 4: men do 2nd and 3rd station exercises until cinder block reps are complete and then switch stations
- 20 Cinder Block Swings / Mountain Climbers / In and Outs
- 15 Overhead Press with Cinder Block / Imperial Walkers / Climber Taps
- 10 Cinder Block Curls / Diamond Merkins / Flutter Kicks
We did a recovery run around the band stand after each set.
#3: Mosey to the playground for Morning Call: PAX lined up in Plank position and 2 PAX in turn ran to the pull up bars to knock out AMRAP. This is definitely more challenging with a larger group of men.
15 Dips (IC)
Mosey or Sprint back to the band stand for Mary: Dealer’s Choice — American Hammers, Leg Raises, WWII Sit Ups, LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Side Plank Dips each side, Freddie Mercury, Crunchy Frogs
COT: Prayers for Waldo’s travels, Prayers for our Country, President, and Leaders, Thanksgiving for F3 and prayers for the men of F3 and their families.
We gave our FNG the name of Proton due to his positive energy and encouraging nature. Welcome Proton! It is great to have you join this ongoing F3 adventure.
It is always a privilege and honor to sweat alongside these brothers!