Warm Up
400m (0.25 mile) @ Easy pace or 150 Side Straddle Hops – Conversational pace and can breath out of your nose only.
10 Huggy Bears
10 Abe Vagodas
10 Grass Pickers
30 second Plank
10 Merkins
10 Peter Parkers
10 Monkey Humpers
10 Ankle Rolls per side
It’s Never Easy
2 1/2 Rounds
Rounds 1 and 2
20 x Hand Release Merkins (Chest to ground and hands come off ground)
20 x Walking Lunges w/Coupon
1 x 400m (0.25 mile) Run
20 x Kettlebell Swings w/Coupon
20 x Big Boy Sit Ups
1 x 400m (0.25 mile) Run
Last Round
10 x Hand Release Merkins (Chest to ground and hands come off ground)
10 x Walking Lunges w/Coupon
10 x Kettlebell Swings w/Coupon
10 x Big Boy Sit Ups
We were out of time due to Zoom call time limitations.
During this time of uncertainty I feel extremely blessed to be able to continue posting to beatdowns with my brothers, even if it is a little different. Using the Zoom app to conduct a beatdown with a group is good. The only issue is the audio lag makes counting cadence very hard. I found myself waiting a little too long to get a response before proceeding to the next repetition. Perhaps oyo counting is more appropiate. In fact I found it to be more effective.
#TAP for the nation and world as we cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic. Many people have their own opinions about this issue and they are all valid. I have heard those opinions and not once have I felt judged in this group for my own decisions. That is a testament to the maturity of the #HIM in F3 Nation.
#TAP for Krang with their house on the market for sale. Pray for safety for the family as people come to see the house. And prayers for a quick sale.
#TAP for the men of F3 Nation. Keep posting and don’t let the current situation become the Jester that makes you decelerate. Acceleration of your Get Right is a key to staying a HIM. And know that you are not alone.