Four PAX rolled into the Swamp in various states of alertness due to recovering from illness or being awake throughout the night with sick kids.
The disclaimer was delivered: “I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk and full liability. You are best able to determine your abilities and should modify the workout as needed to suit your own needs. Stay safe and be alert.”
Being the day before Valentine’s Day, YHC thought it appropriate to take an opportunity to target the bulls-eye of our Concentrica – our relationships with our M’s.
Ephesians 5:33 states “Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband”.
Love and Respect: a man wants/needs to be respected by his wife and a woman wants/needs to be loved and felt treasured by her husband. As men, we sometimes fall into a rut and fail to demonstrate our love for our wives. So in an attempt to sharpen one another we shared practical ways we attempt to show our love that make our M’s feel treasured by us.
Warm-a-rama: Sun Gods, Carioca, Goofball, Monkey Humper, Peter Parker, Mountain Climbers
The Thang:
- The Cooper: 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins and then run the loop (~ 0.2 miles); repeat 9, 9, 9; down to 1 rep each with a lap around the loop between each set for a total of ~ 2 miles and 55 reps of each exercise.
We shook off our lethargy during the first lap as we attempted to engage in thoughts on how we can demonstrate our love for our wives. Mumblechatter soon ensued with some great insights including being in the moment with our families, actually “hearing” our wives rather than just listening, doing practical chores for our M, cultivating gratitude for our wives in our thought life, and the best, which is praying with our wives regularly. Statics show that couples who pray together regularly have a less than 1% chance of divorcing. That sounds like a pretty bullet proof way to protect one’s marriage. The conversation wandered into ways to impart a blessing on our children, parents, and extended families. All in all, some great wisdom and insights were shared all around. YHC felt more “sharpened” by the end of the workout.
By the last lap we had just a few minutes left to do one round of Mary: Freddie Mercury, American Hammer, and Rows.
The rest of the planned activities on the Weinke will have to wait for another day…
COT: Announcements, Praise/Pray Requests, Count-a-Rama, Name-a-Rama, Prayer