F3 Blast Furnace, Reeves Park, Phoenixville, PA
Conditions : 39 degrees and dry
Q : Spike
Beatdown : 2 PAX posted
YHC was a bit worried he’d be alone this morning, after hearing from a few of our Thursday regulars that they wouldn’t make it, but Tuck arrived ready to roll!
DISCLAIMER : was given, although we both knew it quite well.
Warmup :
25x side straddle hops – IC
10x arm circles – IC
10x circle arms – IC
20x Moroccan night-clubs IC
15x Daisy Pickers – IC
15x Peter Parkers IC
15x Parker Peters IC
Thanks to Demo from F3 Lanco / The Pond for some of the ideas in this workout. (Backblasts DO get read!)
The Thang :
Mosey halfway around the park to the well-lit wall behind the bandstand
Station 1: People’s Chair : 40 second count. Balls to Wall – 40 second count
Station 2 : Mosey up to the Gazebo. Starting on either end, 2 PAX performed 1 Derkin, then moved over a little bit. Another Derkin, around the Gazebo until the 2 PAX met in the center.
(This was far harder than it seemed, but fortunately, the Gazebo wasn’t that large!)
Station 3 : Mosey to the baseball diamond.
25 merkins, run up the hill to the sidewalk and back
25 squats, run up the hill to the sidewalk and back
25 partner throw-downs, run up the hill to the sidewalk and back
25 power merkins (on your planking partner’s back), run up the hill to the sidewalk and back
25 low squats (fast pop-up), run up the hill to the sidewalk and back
25 big boy situps (legs linked), run up the hill to the sidewalk and back
25 partner merkins (IC, touching alternating hands on the up), run up the hill to the sidewalk and back
25 bonnie blairs, run up the hill to the sidewalk and back
25 LBCs, run up the hill to the sidewalk and back
Station 4: Modified Field of Dreams (on the basebal diamond) :
bear crawl to 1st base, lunge walk to 2nd, crab walk to 3rd, lunge walk to home, 15 burpees
6MOM / Mary / Abs / Core : integrated into the workout
Count-o-rama : 2
Name FNGs :0
Words of Wisdom :
As Paul said in Philippians 4:11-13 – we need to learn to be content in all things. Not looking at what everyone else has and envying their position, their power, or their stuff – but being content with what have – reminding ourselves of how we’ve been blessed with family, health, friendships.
Circle of Trust / Ball of Man
Closing Prayer