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Rain or shine we make F3 workouts happen.  A little wet; but no less of a beat down.  Special shout out to our two brothers coming in hot from Fleetwood.

Disclosure This workout is Always Free, Always Men, Always Outdoors, Always unpaid volunteers, Always rotation-ally led, and we Always end with a circle of trust.  We are Non Professional’s so you Can’t Sew Us, We don’t own anything,  everything we say is just a suggestion. Unlike other workouts we wait for our 6; which is the last guy.  The objective is that you get the best workout possible for you.  Give your near maximum effort.  Therefore modify, modify, modify!  If you hear a term you don’t understand, look to the guy to your left or right and ask him to explain.

Warmarama – Arm Circles, SSH, Sungods, Goofballs, Peter Parkers, Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Abe Vogada’s, Alabama Ass Kickers,  Across the parking lot we did high knee, butt kickers, robots, lunges, shuffle, karaoke,

The Thang

Part 1 –  Ascending Table Crawl

Starting position Bear Crawl facing opposite Picnic Table. BC to other side, turn & place feet on bench to complete one Derkin, crawl back and complete two Derkins, continue to 13.

Half way through stop and burn the ABS.   6’s on the picnic table for IC 10 leg raises, 10 freddie mercury, 10 flutter kicks.

Starting position Crab Walk facing opposite Picnic Table. CC to other side, turn & place hand on bench to complete one dip, crab walk back and complete two dips, continue to 13.

Half way through stop and burn the legs.  Step Up on Bench IC 10, 10 box jumps, 10 reverse V lunges


Part 2 –  Colonel Trautman Partner Pull-up

one partner lunges 20 yards across pavilion; while other partner does AMRAP pull ups.  Hang if done or modify.  Recover together with 10 Face to Face Merkin Claps. Flap Jack. 10 Face to Face Peter Parkers

one partner shuffle 20 yards across pavilion while other partner does AMRAP pull ups.  Hang if done or modify.  Recover together with 10 Face to Face Brazilians. Flap Jack. 10 Squerkins.

Part 3 –  Theater B.O.M.B.s

Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs to around outside of theater. Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete. The exercises and reps are: 50- Burpees / 100- Overhead Claps / 150- Merkins / 200- Big Boy Sit-ups / 250- Squats. Tags: Circuit, Partner.  NOTE:  We only had time for the Burpees.


Mary – Circle Up on Imperial Walkers.  Keeping doing CF; while one 1 PAX flips over and does 5 Peter Parker.  Then the next back goes, counting out 5.  Until circle complete, everyone still doing crunchy frog.

Announcements: Sign-up for next week’s picnic at Skippers.  Coffeeteria East Penn Diner immediately after today’s workout.

CoRama = 8   NoRama

COT  –  Good morning father.  Thank you for the rain.  Soften our hearts; that we might have your heart and shine the light into our families, communities, and workplaces.

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