Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley



Disclaimer: welcome to F3, workouts are free, open to all men, peer-led always held Outdoors, rain or shine, and end in a circle of trust. I am not a professional, my tires are not certified.  everything I say or do is only a suggestion. If you agree to these terms say I.

Warmups ups:
neck roll, trunk roll backstretch,      brass Pickers, monkey humpers
With Tire: Imperial Walkers, Tire plank jax, Tire mountain climbers, side straddle hops, no tire

The thang:    first showed some Tire carry positions, Mosey with Tire between pavilions( in between mosey, over head tire press or shoulder shrugs) at each pavilion: tire on back merkins 10 IC, kettle bell swings 10 IC, curls 10 IC, tire burpee 10 OYO, merkin tire flip 10 OYO, squat 10 IC
Mosey to football field
Tire flip relay( with 2 large tractor pax flips tire 4 times while other team mates do lunge walks with tire overhead.  Tire on back plank 1 min.  Rinse and repeat if time available.
Indian run while carrying tires.  1st guy rolls large tire until he tires lol. Second guy takes over.  1st guy falls to the back of the line.  Performed this exercise back to shovel flag… rinse and repeat with other tractor tire.

Round of Mary… start with lbcs tie overhead,  Tire merkins, tire flutter kicks, Windshield wipers

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