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Throw Down

5 PAX total attended for a mild morning for the beginning of November


Warm-o-rama -neck rolls, arm circles, huggie bears, abe vigados, SSH, mountain climbers, plank jacks, across the lot butt kickers, high knees

The Thang – took medicine ball along for all exercises

Started with an indian run – man in the back brought med ball around the group one full time, dropped it in the back and sprinted to front. Repeated same except switched from jog to walking lunge then to bear crawl.

Stayed in same line formation and each member in front led for 3 burpees then plank while man in the back weaved through group with med ball overhead to front of line.

Circled up and did AMRAP of 30/20/10 push press, squat, merkin. Broke up AMRAP with passing med ball around and each member doing ten ball slams. After all PAX did 10 ball slams switched AMRAP to ssh, carolina dry dock, scissor lunge with 10 more med ball slams for each member.

Mosey back to beginning passing med ball around.

Mary, C-O-R, N-O-R


Prayer to recognize and throw off the things in life we carry that keep us from God and the men we should be. Prayers for Mr Brady’s co-worker’s son Justin who has cancer and praise for some good things God has already brought out of it.

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