Monday, 22 degrees Fahrenheit, clear, dry.
Disclaimer accepted.
Warm-up: IC -SSH, grass pickers, side lunge, Abe Vigodas, Merkins, Peter Parkers, Shoulder taps, mountain climbers, calf stretch. Mosey two laps around building. During Mosey – side shuffle, backwards jog, skipping, butt kickers, high knees, bending to touch ground, and karaoke.
Hills: Three 30-30-30’s up the hill followed by fast feet and line hops. Mosey to pull-up station.
Pull-up station: 3 sets of 3-5 pull-ups per man. While one man performs pull-ups the others hold low plank, back plank, AND then SIDE PLANK.
The Thang: By 5’s. 4 stations, 3 rounds. Leg station – 5 squats, 5 Bonnie Blairs, 5 lunges. Merkins station – 10 Merkins. Arms station – 15 curls, 15 shoulder presses, 15 skull crushers. Abs station: 20 LBC’s, 20 flutter kicks, 20 Freddie Mercuries. Followed by people’s chair for mumble chatter and BTTW just for good measure.
Mary: two rounds of dealers’ choice. Freddie Mercuries, American hammers, big boys, crab cakes, Dollys, and ?
COT: COR, NOR, announcements and prayer requests.
Downsize has the Q on Friday. Let’s get behind this HIM and post for a great workout!