Upper 50s; partly cloudy
Six PAX posted to participate in a run on the Schuylkill River Trail as advertised in a pre-blast. Last week YHC was distracted by having an FNG and abandoned our shovel flag after the workout. I had driven by the park during the week and it was gone. I didn’t have much hope of seeing it again and now the workout felt incomplete somehow without it. Nonetheless, it was a good morning for a run and I was glad to have a good turnout. The disclaimer was given and we took off.
Mosey to the foot bridge for –
Warm-a-rama: Neck Rolls, Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Imperial Walkers, Best Stretch Ever, Slow to Fast Mountain Climbers
The Thang: Schuylkill River Trail Adventure (~ 2.5 miles)
Ran along the trail with stops along the way for F3 adventures:
· Dips (15 IC)
· Flying Squirrels over the river · Indian Run to Industrial Drive · 1-Arm Assist Pushups (10 each arm) · Railroad Tracks for ~ 200 yards · Mosey to Highway overpass · Bridges with leg raises (15 IC) · Moon Gods (10 IC each side) · Lunge Walk ~ 50 yards
· ATMs
· Mosey · Wind Sprint to parking lot · 20 Jump Ups or Step Ups on picnic table · Partner up – leg push downs · Parker Peters (10 IC) · Climber Pickle Pusher (10 IC) · Scout Run back to foot bridge |
On the way out Ditto discovered a large (~6-inch long) larva-like nymph creature that looked like it came out of a sci-fi movie. His friend was waiting for him when we got back. It didn’t qualify as an FNG so we had to put it back by the river. I did attempt to EH two guys at the Bartram Trail parking lot. They were from York and Philly so I told them to check out F3 Philly and F3 Lanco. At least they were men and didn’t have multiple pairs of legs.
Our workout was complete when the park maintenance man showed up, and came out of the storage area with our shovel flag. It is great to be in a community where folks looks out for one another and it was a relief to have the flag back again.
COT: thanksgiving for our blessings and prayers for men in F3 and our families.
Five went to Four Twelve for coffeeteria where we ran into Pocahontas and his son. He has had fairly legit excuses for being absent the last three weeks but said he ran out of good excuses so he will be back next week. We’ll be expecting him.