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The Max Multiplyer

38, windy as heck

9 brave souls ventured into the blustery December morning and pushed themselves

and each other.

treehugger announced it was 530 and off we went for a run the length of the parking lot

and back x 2…

off for a mosey down to playground…

-disclosure given while holding plank for 2 min…

the thang, Part 1:  Master Multiplyer

everyone does pushups to failure, proper form.

whatever your rep count, you will now do 4 times that amount in sets to

failure…with ab work for a break between sets.

Part 2: sprinters Choice:

pax picks ab workout that all do together, then main workout while one Pax runs…when runner returns he picks the ab then main workout…

ABS done (2 min duration)

ww1s, feet on fence Derkin plank, bicycles, dr ws

main exercises done:

burpees, lunges, squats, air presses, dips

mosey back


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