Nice to have Mani visit us from the Hive
Warm-a-Rama, led by Pork Chop
The warm-a-rama consisted of light jog, Jumping Jacks, Grass Pickers, Mountain Climbers, and Best Stretch Ever.
The Thang, led by Pocahontas
Round 1 – da Legs
10 reps of each
* Squats + forward Lunge
* Squats + side Lunge
* Squats + reverse Lunge
* Squats + one leg dead lift
* Squats + Demotivators (10 to 5)
* Run .25 miles
Round 1.5
* Pull ups (AMAP)
Round 2 – chest/arms, led by the “itch in the box” (exercise app)
* 18 pushups
* 8 push with rotation
* 10 staggered pushups
* 10 decline pushups
* 6 diamond pushups
* 10 incline pushups
* 15 pushups
* 14 wide arm pushups
* 8 staggered pushups
* 10 decline pushups
* 30sec of Cobra stretch
Two rounds of Dealers Choice