This workout has been modified from last year. Improvements included taking reps from 1576 to 1776, pushing back start time to 07:00, and increasing workout time from 45 minutes to 60 minutes. Suffice to say after almost 2 years of working out with this group of men, this was the toughest workout YHC participated and or lead.
Disclaimer – only men over 18, rotational lead, free, all volunteer, non-professional, modify as necessary, not pass fail, you assume very real risk of injury by participating. Everyone states “I” or leaves upon their own free will.
It was also made perfectly clear that no one ever completed this workout from our AO “Solo” to achieve “Patriot” status; however, fireworks are set-off and enjoyed by all who finish together. Suggested that you partner up with 2 or three guys to get combination of total rep counts to suit your fitness level. The mantra is give your best and nothing less. Don’t give up, just keep moving. We won’t leave you behind or leave you where we found you.
Warmarama – Leg Swings, SSH, Sungods, Abe Vogoda, Grass Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Slow Mountain Climbers, 1776 meter run (1.01 miles). Pax stops running when the first guy completes a mile run. You should walk, jog, or run your fastest.
The Thang
Round 1
1 – Agility: 100 yard High Knee
2 – Arms: 100 – Merkins
3 – Legs: 100 -Squats
4. – Abs: 100 -LBC’s
Round 2
1 – Agility: 100 yard – NUR (backward run)
2 – Arms: 100 – Pull Ups
3 – Legs: 100 – Step Ups
4. – Abs: 100 – American Hammer (50 x IC)
Round 3
1 – Agility: 100 yard AYG Sprint
2 – Arms: 100 Overhead Claps
3 – Legs: 100 – Lunges
4. – Abs: 100 – Plank Jacks
Round 4
1 – Agility: 100 yard Duck Walk
2 – Arms: 100 Dips
3 – Legs: 100 Mountain Climbers (50 IC)
4. – Abs: 100 Flutter Kicks (50 IC)
Full Disclosure: I think round #3 Leg exercise might have been missed. I don’t remember doing the lunges; however I wrote it down. Then again it could have been the impact of the heat and nausea setting in.
Finisher: 100 Yard Bear Crawl and complete 76 Burpees! Special thanks to our camera man (Dave Hinson) and his grandchildren Sander for counting the last 10 burpees, and Selah for counting the last 6 burpees.
NoRama – Long Haul becomes Proud Pappa of Try. Welcome Kyle a former rubgy player and PE teacher.
CoRama – 11
Announcements – workout tomorrow 5:30am Lone Lane Park (Trojan).
Prayer and Praise – thank God for this great country and all the freedoms we have. Mothers, Wives, Daughters expecting babies. (Uptown, Dropbox, & Try). Lugi new home in Bethlehem. Prayers to help all of us continue use our giftedness to lead in our families, workplace, and community. People, especially our children our watching.